Service project aids local agencies

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Mentor Center Director Ruth Gordon began a service project six years ago as a way to teach mentees how to give.

"I felt it was important all kids learn how to give," Gordon said. "Ever year since this began, the kids come back and ask me to do this. They love it."

The center's sixth annual Scavenger Hunt will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday in various Carson City neighborhoods. Mentors and mentees team up and go door-to-door asking for items on a list.

Gordon hopes 20 kids from the program will participate. Items collected will be given to Friends in Service Helping and Advocates to End Domestic Violence. If they receive a better than anticipated response, they will also give food to the Ron Wood Family Resource Center.

"When the kids knock on the door and ask for items on their list, and actually get them, it gives them a feeling of success," she said. "One little boy said he didn't think people would give them stuff. He was surprised when they did and he loved it.

"The kids couldn't believe it. We filled a couple of trucks (with donations)."

Items requested include: after-school snacks, personal-care (hygiene) items, home-care items, school supplies, miscellaneous, laundry soap, diapers, baby wipes and cash.

Mentors and mentees can be identified by the T-shirts they wear and a name badge. They will meet at Grand Central Pizza afterward, where they will meet with Lisa Davis, who is with the Carson City Sheriff's Office DARE program.

"She and the sheriff or undersheriff may stop by to help compile our goods for delivery and eat pizza with the kids."

Gordon welcomes the community to call with donations, should those participating in the scavenger hunt not make it to their neighborhood.

"People in Carson City are amazingly generous," Gordon said. "We all work together for the good of the community."

• Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.

Items needed

After-school snacks: Small juices, fruit cups, apples, oranges, general "dry" snack food items

Personal-care items: Hand soap, hairbrush, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, Kleenex, toilet paper

Home-care items: Paper plates, napkins, paper towels, dish soap, SOS pads or similar, cleansers

School supplies: Pencils, pens, lined paper, erasers, markers, backpack, binder

Miscellaneous (on wish list): First-aid supplies, thermometers, new mittens, batteries, children's videos

Extra-special items: Laundry soap, fabric softener, diapers, baby wipes

Cash contributions

Call: Ruth Gordon 445-3346


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