Veterans memorial nearly done

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The kiosk that will house a permanent veterans memorial is in place at Lone Mountain Cemetery.

The public is invited to attend a dedication ceremony scheduled for 10 a.m. Sept. 30 in the cemetery, once the display cases are completely filled.

"A lot of people couldn't believe we didn't have a memorial here. That's why we wanted to do it," said Donald Atkins, commander of American Legion High Desert Post 56. "And it's amazing how families wanted their husbands or fathers named."

The wooden, three-sided memorial with windows already displays military posters and sits east of the cemetery flagpoles.

Still being created are the plaques that will contain the names of deceased veterans from each branch of the U.S. military: Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. A separate plaque will list donor names.

New names will be added by request to all of the plaques.

The Carson City Naval Sea Cadets are expected to perform music at the ceremony and a guest speaker is being sought, Atkins said.

While help from the public has been appreciated, the Legionnaires still need $500 more to cover the cost of the memorial, Atkins said. Donations have covered part of the cost and another $500 came from Carson City.

Art Baer, also a Legionnaire and member of the color guard, built the display case. Some of his other work can be seen at the James Lee Memorial Park in North Douglas County. Baer built the three kiosks there.

• Contact reporter Terri Harber at tharber or 882-2111, ext. 215.

You can help

To learn more about the memorial or to make a donation, call:

Donald Atkins at 887-0708.

Dedication of Veterans Memorial

WHEN: 10 a.m. Sept. 30

WHERE: Lone Mountain Cemetery, 1044 Beverly Drive (corner of Beverly and Roop Street, enter through gate on Beverly)