Remember those suffering during the holiday season

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In the real spirit of Christmas, we ask for your prayers again for Danielle Conway and her family. She has suffered a severe relapse and is currently under Hospice care. The Carson Calendar Girls will be at Comma Coffee tomorrow night at 7 p.m. to sign calendars if you want them for Christmas gifts. Believe us, it goes for a good cause. And our thanks to the many of you in this community and friends elsewhere, who have supported Danielle so well. We also wish to thank Mai Do, Sam Shad, Wendy Damonte and Monica J for their help with this project. It is much appreciated.


Also give a "prayer out" to Carolyn's mom, Ma Tate, who had a short hospitalization last week for a slight heart attack. She's doing much better, thank goodness.


While there are "serious" things going on this season, we would also like to bring you some Christmas cheer, courtesy of Deb Greco (NOT for the temperate). She sends us "Jose Cuervo's Christmas Cookie Recipe:" "1 cup water; 1 tsp. baking soda; 1 cup of sugar; 1 tsp. salt; 1 cup of brown sugar; 4 large eggs; 1 cup nuts; 2 cups dried fruit; 1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila. Sample the Jose Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl (and check the Cuervo again for quality by pouring one level cup and drinking), add the butter and beat with the electric mixer. Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. Make sure the Cuervo still is OK by drinking another cup, just in case. Turn off the mixery thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Mix on the turner and pick the frigging fruit off the floor. Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity and sift two cups of salt or something ... who gives a sheet. Add one table. 'N add a soonful of spuger and greash the oven. Turn the cake 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the wishdasher. Cherry Mistmas!"


If you want Santa Claus to put in an appearance at Christmas, don't forget to call 887-2020, ext. 45005, to sign him up (courtesy of the Sheriff's Reserves). And kudos to the Sheriff's VIP's for their House Watch program ... they are very good and thoughtful. Thanks much.


People who write vitriolic things about others and don't sign their own names are guilty of "cyber-graffiti." As you read comments online (doesn't matter what it's about), some people have nothing better to do than "dis" everything and everyone while they hide behind anonymity. Does the term "gutless wonders" apply? Just asking.


Snow and cold and winter are upon us ... brrrrr! So it's always nice to see nice people like Lisa and Jerry Allred. Maizie also got to speak to the wonderful people of RPEN at their Christmas luncheon at the Nugget. Carolyn had to beg off that morning because of her mother's hospitalization. But M had a great time without her. Thanks. Hopefully, Hanukkah was a wonderful time for our Jewish friends ... the "Festival of Lights" ends tomorrow. And happy birthday to Julie Harris ... 39, again.


We see that GWB is "defending his credibility" again ... is that an oxymoron? Don't ask, don't tell.


A Christmas story from Cathy Robinson: "Three men died on Christmas day and were met by Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates. In honor of the holy season, he said, 'You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into Heaven.' The first man fumbled through his pockets, pulled out a lighter, flicked it on, and said, 'It represents a candle.' Through the gates he went. The second man pulled out a set of keys. 'They're bells,' and into Heaven he went. The third man searched desperately through his pockets until he pulled out a pair of women's panties. 'And just what do these symbolize,' St. Peter asked? The man replied, 'These are Carols.' And so the Christmas season begins."


As many of you have read, the Connected Church was burned in an arson fire last week. Tamara Holmes' Positive Energy, while not burned, was heavily damaged by smoke, and nearly everything was lost. Thanks to the generous offers of several places in town, she still will have a place to teach, but both places could use your contributions and donations to get started again. Please consider them this year. You can reach Tamara at 884-3633, or attend their "Christmas Show of Support" at the Brewery Arts Center, Dec. 20. The Connected Church can be reached at 887-1177.


St. Teresa's will be holding its 50th Anniversary Golden Christmas Benefit on Saturday at the church at 9:30 a.m. Tickets can be obtained at the school at 567 S. Richmond, and are $10 for the show and brunch. Come and have a great time.


Thanks to a witty person, we have the following story: "Olaf and Martha lived in Minnesota and decided to go to Russia for the holidays. When they arrived there, they were assigned a Communist guide, Rudolf, to show them around. He took them to Gum's department store, the Kremlin, St. Basil's, and many of the museums. As they were getting ready to go back to their hotel, the skies clouded over and everything got dark. Rudolf looked at the sky and said, 'It looks like rain.' Olaf, on the other hand, looked at the sky and said, 'I'm from Minnesota and it looks like snow. I know snow when I see it.' 'No,' says Rudolf, 'it certainly looks like rain to me.' Just then the skies opened up and it rained and rained and rained. Martha looks at Olaf quite smugly and says, 'Rudolf, the Red, knows rain, dear.'"

Have a great week, and don't go overboard on buying presents.

• To reach Maizie Harris Jesse or Carolyn Tate e-mail


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