Letters to the editor

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Enge has been a breath of fresh air on school board

John DiMambro's recent broadside against Joe Enge was simply a personal attack and devoid of any meaningful substance. His ignorance of the purpose of the board is evident in its remarks.

Much like the board of directors of a private corporation, this board is responsible to the taxpaying public for the oversight of our local public schools. I believe we would all have to look long and hard to find someone that would suggest that our Carson City schools are not in need of some improvement.

Prior to Mr. Enge's election to the board, I had seen precious little in the way of constructive recommendations to improve the system. Conversely, since his election, his accomplishments have been many, not the least of which was to get the board to adhere properly to the Open Meeting Law in lieu of employing it as an excuse to avoid responding to public criticism.

Regardless of personal issues, Enge has been the breath of fresh air that this board has long needed. I doubt if cheap, personal attacks will force him from his commitment.

John Vettel

Carson City

Carson City has eyesores of its own

In Sunday's Appeal there was yet another in a long line of letters protesting Max Baer's Casino project. From the presentations that I have seen, very little of the structure will even be visible from the highway. Yet when I reach the top of Indian Hill in the mornings, my eyes are immediately captured by the huge and very visible warehouse-shaped theater building that now dominates Carson's skyline from the south. I don't recall reading a single letter of protest about that structure. Personally, I have no problem with it either. I can understand complaints from would-be neighbors, but the letter from the Carson resident stating that it is still "too close for comfort" smacks of a personal grudge against Max. South Carson is full of run-down eyesores. A Vegas-quality casino can only improve the situation, not to mention the local economy.



Keep the tax dollars in Carson City

Not only should Carson City not fund bus service to the Carson Valley Plaza (Douglas County), we should be starting a move to try to redirect shoppers to the new shopping center in North Carson City.

I realize that the North Carson Crossing shopping center (Carson City) does not have the variety of stores (at this time) that they have, but they are coming. It is my personal policy that if I can't buy it in Carson City, I will go to the shopping centers in south Reno, just to avoid giving my tax dollars to Douglas.

I've been in this city long enough to be dismayed with the tactics that Douglas County uses to try to capture tax revenues from Carson City residents. They sit on our borders and, like leeches, sap the tax life blood from our city. The tax loss to Douglas is significant and certainly could be used to close our own budget gap and possibly enhance existing services here in Carson City. Our business and city government leaders should seriously consider motivating the Carson City shopper to spend their money in Carson City, thereby keeping our tax dollars in Carson City; similar to the "Buy Nevada" campaign now being seen on local TV stations.

Don't enable the shoppers from Carson City to spend their money in Douglas by providing bus service to their shopping center, especially since we have to pay for bus service. We get the triple whammy; we, ( the tax payers), pay for the bus service, our merchants lose the sales and the city loses the tax dollars. Not a good business decision in my judgment.

Perhaps an affirmative move by our Transportation Board and/or the Board of Supervisors to protect Carson City's interests might motivate the Douglas County Commission to reconsider their position and to start thinking/acting more globally and to give consideration for benefits to the region instead of only acting with a parochial local mentality. Carson City provides a large portion of the shoppers to their shopping plaza. If Douglas can't learn how to share and play in the "sand box" then something needs to be done to protect Carson City's interests.


Carson City

Two child support workers who will be missed

Jaemi Hemmingsen and William Thomas are two state employees who have been with the Carson City District Attorney office of Child Support.

Both these individuals deserve to be recognized and noticed for being the exceptional people that they are. Thanks to both of you for all the years of hard work. You will be missed. Now all the cases are being sent to Reno. It looks as though no one has informed Nevada's politicians that The Capitol of Nevada is no, not Las Vegas; no, not Reno. Yes, it is Carson City. Which you would think if the state is taking over Child Support then it should be handled through Carson City should it not? Why Reno? Good Luck and you will be missed.


Carson City

Nevada must find new revenue to deal with budget crisis

Mr. Muth's column, "The chancellor is failing right into the governor's trap," is simplistic and not informative.

I don't believe the governor is playing a game or is trying to "trap" the chancellor. The governor is trying to deal with a serious budget problem. The chancellor, I suspect, is trying to preserve the integrity of our higher education institutions.

Gov. Gibbons has handicapped himself by taking any new revenues off the table. His "no new taxes" pledge is not helpful. I personally think this kind of pledge is irresponsible in the face of an economic crisis.

Chancellor Rogers, whom I do not know personally, has taken the position that Nevada's university system is critical to the current and future economic well being of our state. He also believes any cut in the system's budget will have an adverse impact on the future of the state. I think the chancellor is correct and that he has a constitutional responsibility to support our university system.

Although all public and private organizations have some budget waste, Mr. Muth's very anti-government point of view holds that there is a sufficient fiscal waste in state government to yield the 8 percent. It is the mantra of fiscal ideologues. It's not true. In Nevada, years of budget tightening, budget reductions and increased-productivity pressure on state employees has squeezed out virtually all waste, if any ever existed. Cutting fat is long gone. We're now cutting bone. The chancellor is reflecting this reality.

Gov. Gibbons needs to take a page out of former Gov. Guinn's playbook and look at the need to expand Nevada's revenue base in a responsible way during difficult economic times. Chancellor Rogers needs to honor his constitutional responsibility while also helping the governor find a way to solve the serious budget shortfall.

This issue is a public policy/political challenge, not a game. It requires careful thought and bold action, not traps.


Carson City

(Former Nevada and Michigan State Superintendent of Public Instruction)

Merry Christmas to all - no matter what

OK, so who exactly are we offending by saying the words "Merry Christmas?" Atheists, who don't celebrate any religion, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Taoists ... their religions celebrate their own special days. Would they ever consider renaming Hanukkah to less offend others? Should Ramadan be called something else?

If you wish a Jew Merry Christmas, are they offended? A Muslim the same greeting, are they also offended? If a devout curmudgeon is offered, "Have a nice day" should he not sue for the offense? While we are at it, change Labor Day to Social Being Day so as to not offend the unemployed.


Carson City


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