Letters to the editor

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The economic downturn puts non-mandated services at risk. Public safety takes up 62 percent of funding, leaving little for all other city services. The Carson City Library is vulnerable in these tough times. It represents less than 3 percent of general fund spending, but provides services 57 hours a week, checks out 335,000 items and has 250,000 visits every year. Library services include staff to answer information requests, lots of books, magazines, newspapers, audio books, videos, DVDs, electronic information resources to enhance formal education, services to homebound residents and programs for every age.

At first look it seems like the library should be considered "nice to have," not a "need to have." A few questions to consider when making that analysis:

• Where does the person who cannot afford a computer or the Internet go to apply for a job when the application is only online?

• Where do retired people find recreational reading and entertainment (and a bit of social interaction) while living on a fixed income?

• How do families ensure their children not only learn to read but also learn to love to read?

• Where do home-schooled children or those in a virtual school get library services?

• Where can someone get GED information for free?

While these services aren't "mandated," they make a community a better place to live. It's important to not lose sight in tough economic times of what makes a community a community. Do we want to be defined only by the number of deputy sheriffs and patrol cars? These services should never be compromised but for the 34,297 Carson City residents who have library cards, library service may be more important in their daily lives.

The library board within the last year hired one of the most qualified library directors in the country. She has the education, the experience, the knowledge and the vision to make the Carson City Library one of the premier small city libraries in the country. To hire a person of this caliber and not give her adequate staff and funding to do her job is a missed opportunity that will take the library and the city years to recover from.

Studies have proven public libraries are an essential component of the quality of life in a community. In my opinion, as the capital of this state, we should have a premier showcase type of library.

We would like to do our part in helping with the city budget situation but we don't relish being at the bottom of the priority list. As a service organization, every member of the staff deals directly with the public. This makes our services and programs vulnerable.

We need to take a serious look at what we want our city to be and decide what we are willing to do to make sure the funds are there to achieve those desires.

The library should be fairly and objectively treated and should not be asked to take the brunt of budget cuts.

My challenge, to the mayor, supervisors and city manager, is to come up with a way we can provide not only the mandated services but also those services that provide the quality of life that people look for in their community. It won't be easy and it won't be cheap or popular but I think it can be done and it will only enhance the economic future of this city.

Phyllis Patton

Chairperson, Carson City Library Board of Trustees

Calling out a cell phone thief at school

Thank you from the bottom of our feet for trying so hard to ruin our Christmas holidays by stealing my daughter's cell phone out of her A1 period PE locker. I have contacted the two friends that you oh-so-brilliantly called after stealing the phone. They didn't give you up to me, but they just may give you up to the Carson City Sheriff's Dept., to whom I turned the numbers over.

Please know that I will not stop until I find out who you are, and believe me, I am well on the way. If you have any conscience, or were raised with any decency, you will return the phone, intact, to the CHS office and I will ask no more questions. I wonder if you can a be a big enough person to do this. It also makes me wonder if your parents are aware of what kind of person they are raising. I can only hope that they are decent enough people that they would be horrified and ashamed of you for what you have done.

I have a contract to pay now for two more years, and I cannot afford to replace my daughter's phone. So once again, thanks for inflicting heartbreak on my daughter, and contributing to financial hardship on my whole family. Merry Christmas.


Carson City

Don't give thieves opportunities to steal

I live on a small, quiet street off West 5th in Carson. Toward the end of October someone broke into unlocked cars on our street. Glove compartments and consoles were opened and the contents pulled out. It seems the thief was picky, taking only CDs from one car, leaving loose change and other items behind from others.

My car was locked and I was unaffected. A couple of weeks ago I unintentionally left my car unlocked overnight. When I went to unlock the door the next morning I discovered the door was open and contents of the glove compartment and middle console scattered. Binoculars, a camera, and other miscellaneous car items still were there, I found one item in front of a neighbor's house. I later discovered a pair of sunglasses also were missing (older yellow sports glasses suitable for skiing, in case someone notices a "friend" with a new pair).

A couple of days ago a friend's mom who also lives on the westside left her car unlocked (again, not intentionally) and the Christmas presents inside were stolen. A car left running to warm up down the street also was stolen. The point of this letter is to remind everyone to lock their cars. These thieves seem to wait for the opportunity, they don't create it. As it seems to happen with regularity it would appear that this is their "job" and they go out nightly. Pay attention when the dogs bark and keep your eyes open.


Carson City

Addlepated pipsqueaks should keep bus route intact

Much has been said in the past few weeks about erasing the Topsy Lane stop from the Jump Around Carson bus schedule.

It appears, elected officials from Carson and Douglas Counties are wrestling over a measly $14,000 a year in bus funding. These wizards waste more than $14,000 a month as a direct result of poor decision making.

A person riding JAC will notice most of the riders are seniors. In addition, many handicapped individuals rely on efficient bus service to Topsy Lane. JAC is a lifesaver to the less fortunate.

Our elected officials, as usual, care only about themselves. These addlepated pipsqueaks choose to ignore the needs of the public, which includes JAC riders.

I challenge the readers of the Nevada Appeal to contact their elected representatives and demand the Topsy Lane bus stop remain intact. Let's strike a blow for those members of our society who count on JAC for their very survival.


Carson City

Learn CPR and be ready to save a life

After reading the Nevada Appeal's Dec. 22 front page story "Commander Meets the Man He Saved" ... I smiled.

My son, a former Navy medic, and I were Firefighter/EMT's with Jacks Valley Volunteer Fire Department.

One early morning we were dispatched to a medical call: "Man not breathing." Being the first on the scene we quickly assessed he was, in fact, not breathing nor did he have a heartbeat. We immediately placed him on the floor (never leave a patient on a soft surface such as a bed) and started CPR. Eric gave the breaths and I started compressions. Oxygen to the brain and blood to the heart.

When the paramedics arrived we were instructed to continue CPR. What seemed like an hour later, as CPR is very physical, we were told to "stop CPR." Naturally your worst thoughts occur. "We lost him." But, they loaded the patient into the ambulance and we were told he had a heartbeat and is breathing on his own. "Good Job." Eric and I sat on this man's floor a few minutes longer and just smiled at each other.

Please, please give yourself the greatest gift you can imagine. Learn CPR; contact your local Fire Department and sign up for a class. CPR is not difficult and only takes a little time from your busy life to learn. Giving the gift of life back to someone far surpasses anything you could ever imagine.


Carson City

A practical way to support our troops

Whether one is for the war or against the war I believe we have an obligation to support the troops. I have learned that the wounded American Soldiers and Marines at the Landstuhl Medical Center in Germany are in need of telephone calling cards.

"The first thing everyone wants to do when they reach the hospital is call their families and let them know they're OK. There is no open cost-free line at the hospital," said their chaplain. "We've got buses and planes coming in every day. We need 400 cards a month for these wounded."

American phone cards can be purchased in many places. Costs vary from $10 for 143 minutes up to $30 for 600 minutes. The time available is less to the user when used internationally, but "international" cards are not necessary. The card must be activated at the time of purchase by the sales clerk.

"Supporting troops is more than yellow ribbons," says the chaplain. "No soldier or Marine missing body parts and lying in unspeakable pain with third-degree burns should have to worry about how many minutes are left on his or her phone card. This is basic human compassion and dignity."

You can bring your activated phone cards to First United Methodist Church, 400 W. King St. and we will see that they are sent or send them yourself to:

Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

Attn: MCEUL-CH/Chaplains Office

CMR402, APO AE09180



Carson City

Utility rates are too high in Nevada

Sierra Pacific Power Company now wants to increase our bill again! I live on a fixed income and can't believe what I pay now! All it is called is GREED and blah blah blah. It's bad enough the gas company wants to bleed us dry. Greed is a sin. I am sorry I moved to Nevada.


Silver Springs


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