Letters to the editor

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Budget cuts should have included mansion decorations

Recently, I went by the Governor's Mansion. I was disappointed that while Gov. Gibbons is crying about the budget, he has the mansion decorated elaborately. Did the good ol Gov do this himself? NO, he had State Workers decorate - inside and out - from a budget that he doesn't have! Gibbons should have hung a wreath, strung up lights himself, and called it good. When people complain, he should tell them that he is trying to set an example by cutting back. But instead, he wastes money decorating the house. Gibbons knew there was going to be a problem with the budget, especially if he inherited it from Guinn. So wasting money on decorations for Halloween, Christmas and Easter should have been first to go. Instead, the Governor chooses to cut across the board 4.5 percent, including K-12 education. Seems like he doesn't want his lifestyle affected by the budget at all. And guess what? Those same state workers have to come back to take all the decorations down on the outside, as well as inside the mansion, and on Main Street as well. Governor, following a budget starts at home. Clean out your own closet before you complain to those of us that pay your salary.



Keep an eye on government spending

Government spending is out of control.

With revenue reductions, why is government continuing its spending habits?

Western Nevada College produces a very expensive, glossy 16-page four-color flier full of more self-congratulating stuff than courses and sends to every recipient of U.S. mail Ð probably more than 80 percent end up in the trash. Whatever happened to newsprint fliers?

University of Nevada offers a whole host of "basket weaving" classes. (We taxpayers should be outraged.) When their huge budget increase is reduced a few points they scream like a stuck pig.

Douglas County spends $800,000 on a building and then tries to figure out how to use it. Douglas County gives retailers millions to construct their private stores. Douglas County gives its employees 8 and 9 percent annual raises. (Did you get a 9 percent raise?) And now they want to add a business license tax?

Hey guys, elections are coming and we taxpayers are watching you - very closely!



Saddened by lack of civility on the Internet

I am an 11th grade student at Carson High School. I read the recent criticisms received by Guy Farmer and Lorie Schaefer with interest. Specifically why is it that people feel it is their right to use degrading language and sling angry words when expressing their views on any given topic?

Of course, I refer to the remarks made on the Internet by people who do not even use their real names. It seems that the vulgar responses are not necessarily chosen to prove a point, but instead are used to put down their opponent in a vulgar way. The most shocking thing to me was the casual nature of these remarks.

I have been taught to be kind and respectful. Whether I agreed with something or not, I was instructed never to use such language. It is strange to me that people believe it is acceptable or their right to speak in such a vile manner. I do not understand how society has changed to permit these types of uncivil exchanges. For some reason these digital duelers continue to verbally abuse people with no consequence whatsoever. If I were to insult or even threaten another student at school, I would be disciplined. Why then is it acceptable to use vulgar insults when addressing people in writing? Whether identity of the speaker is known or not, the insults still speak the same.

Some people hide behind their computer screen, and say things they would never say in a conversation face-to-face. I find it saddening that political civility seems to diminish more with each passing year. If only the age-old saying still had any effect, "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all."


Carson City


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