Letters to the editor

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Documents show Carson City was incorporated in 1875

Well, I thought for awhile we had us a mystery, as follows: When did Carson City get baptized " or citified " or whatever it was that happened to this little workhorse town that did all the dirty work for that glorious Prima Donna of the Old West " Virginia City. You know, VC being the regal yet rugged place that she was. After all, if you're carrying the industry of two cities on your back, you should get to present yourself as at least one of them, huh?

Oh, yeah, I guess incorporated is the word that makes a city out of you, but Virginia City was the big explosion in them days. Let's say from about 1858 to 1875, even though Carson City did most of the fetching and toting while Virginia City was known clear to Paris and other European big shot places! Hmmph! Carson didn't even know if it was a city!

Chief Deputy Assessor Jerry Lynn Ide showed my how they had enough maps and deeds and plats and charts to plaster the west wall of the court house, and that this pile of paper indicated all the ownership of Carson City.

Then I asked them where was the paper that signified and dignified Carson City as an official city, and Assessor Glover goes straight to a book and a document in it dated 1875, when an Act of Legislature put up Carson City to be a city, after almost two decades of being lit by Virginia City's lamp while providing its oil!

Then Chief Deputy Ide gets out another document, also from 1875, which clarifies the first one as to the purpose of incorporating Carson City. This literature seems to me like the bride saying I Do 16 years later, and it's all settled. By the way, 1875 is about the time Virginia City's mines started to peter out, and Carson City lit its own lamp.

I took the documents to the newspaper and while there began the editor's initiation into Nevada journalism. Seems I read somewhere that Mark Twin related that you had to have either heard of or told the story of Hank Monk and Horace Greeley and the stagecoach ride at least a hundred times before you were a full-fledged Nevada newspaper person. From his reaction I think he'd already made his quota.

One thing's certain, in the period from 1858 to 1875 Carson City epitomized the work ethic of the Old West as did few others.


Carson City

Supervisor acted professionally

Perception may not be reality. I would like to respond to the opinion letter filed my Michael Robbins recently, As Supervisor Ward 3, I have sat next to Supervisor Richard Staub for over 7 years. During that time, I have had the opportunities to observe Supervisor Staub at our meetings including when he has acted as Mayor Pro Tem. At no time have I ever seen Supervisor Staub conduct himself in a matter that would be perceived as caustic, inattentive or sarcastic. In fact, Supervisor Staub is usually the member of the Board who is trying to assure that our meetings maintain the highest level of professionalism and decorum.

I was present at the evening Redevelopment meeting Mr. Robbins referenced in his opinion. Supervisor Staub conducted the meeting openly, showing courtesy and respect to the audience and anyone who chose to speak, and there were many. It is true that we all take notes when people speak in order to document the points being made by the speaker. This is very normal. It is not an indication of indifference or insolence.

While I am sorry Mr. Robbins left the meeting without speaking, it was his decision and had nothing to do with the professional manner in which Supervisor Staub was conducting the meeting. Clearly, his perception is being clouded by some other agenda.



UNR coaches are paid too much

Let me get this right: Two UNR coaches make more than the president of their university?

I was a high school administrator for many years, and fully understand how important athletics are for young people. They provide inclusion, pride, among other things. I don't even need to mention the obvious benefits of exercise for growing bodies.

That being said, enough is enough. Athletics at the university level has become way over-blown. As a taxpayer, I resent this usage of my money. Are Nevada's public schools so well-funded that we can afford this luxury for adults?

In these trying times, educators (and the public) need to find ways to get the best bang for our buck. All the talk of a budget crisis is just gibberish if leaders still advocate spending millions of dollars for college athletics.


Carson City

A reason to vote for Republicans?

I have a question. Just why would anyone in their right mind want to vote Republican again?

Guess I'd better answer that myself! It's because of the high wages and all the great perks that they get, right?

Most of us are struggling to just get by, so just what do they do but give more to the rich and take from the poor and middle class.

But what I really guess is my biggest beef, is that it is a direct slap in the face of all our veterans who gave so very much to our once great country! And I was so very proud to have been a flyer in B-24s in World War II. But actually, who really cares about that, except maybe my family and friends.


Carson City

Not a fan of new sporting tradition

The students are back in school at Carson High. They even have a new principal who has new ideas for the school. During the welcome back to school assembly, the new principal brought out a blue toilet seat and demonstrated the way which he wants the school to cheer. Open the lid one time and say "GO". Open the lid a second time and say "CARSON". He wants to take this "blue toilet seat" to all the sporting events to help the students cheer. He also wants to make this a new tradition.

This is the most degrading and disrespectful thing that I have ever heard of. It not only degrades all sporting teams, but each student and every parent of every student that goes to Carson High.


Carson City

Unimpressed with McCain's choice

I'm beginning to think that McCain really wants to lose the election: If McCain becomes our next president we must all pray for him to have good health and to live out his term. Talk about inexperience and who would be ready to assume the presidency ... Gov. Palin is 2 years into her first term in the Alaska Governors Office ... She governs a state, est. population 670,053, which is smaller than the population of the city of San Francisco (est. 744,041). Prior to that, from 1996 to 2002 she served as Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, est. population 7,738 and on the City Council. In 1984 she was crowned Miss Wasilla and competed in the Miss Alaska contest. Sounds like she has just the right experience to be the one waiting in "The Batters Box."

I commend him for picking a woman; however, there are many women in the Republican Party that could competently assume the presidency on day one if necessary. Why her? Let's face it, McCain is approaching the expiration date statistically for the average American male. What the heck is McCain thinking? Now let's talk about his judgment.


Carson City


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