Healthy Trees
P.O. Box 2885 in Carson City
Name: Tom Henderson
His business: He and employees prune, treat and remove trees along with delivering mulch and firewood.
How he started: He used to work on a state utilities commission and noticed the benefits of trees in residential areas during a housing boom. After that, he taught himself about the business.
Problems trees have in Carson City: He said the soil is not rich, so they don't grow very large. The dry climate, however, keeps away many insects and diseases, he said.
Most common request: He said he is called out often for broken tree limbs. The winter is the best time to take care of this, he said, because the trees are bare and easy to work with.
Tools he uses on his job: He said he uses anything from pruning sheers to chain saws on the cottonwoods, elms, maples, crab apples and flowering plumb trees in Carson City.
Benefits of trees: He said besides adding beauty to a property, trees also can cut down on energy costs in the summer by blocking out the sun.