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130 Years Ago

The Skating Rink: Lynch's skating rink is turning out to be a grand institution, judging from the present outlook, and affords much pleasure to the local ice-glider. Mr. Lynch says he will build a rink four times the dimensions of the present one next winter.

110 Years Ago

All sorts: Any non-subscriber who finds a typo bottom-side up in this paper, will receive a liberal reward upon notifying us at once. It hurts type to stand on their heads. Elko Argonaut.

70 Years Ago

The Carson City schools will close and reopen on January 3, 1938. At the grammar school, a Christmas pageant will take place with the following pupils: Mary " Betty Jean Lamb; Herald Angel " Marilyn Pruett; Shepherds " James Allen, Gordon Harney and Johnny Hurd; Children of many lands " Francis Butti, Patricia Sparks, George Groth.

50 Years Ago

Births at Carson-Tahoe Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. James Bender are parents of a girl born December 14.

20 Years Ago

Saferide must close because of a lack of Carson City volunteers. "We're very sad that Saferide has to end, but without a strong base of adults volunteers, it's impossible to operate ..." said board President Karen Peterson.

10 Years Ago

President Clinton faces possible impeachment. Republicans gathered in the runup to a momentous House vote. Clinton said he is open to "any reasonable compromise" with Congress short of impeachment.

- Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.