Letters to the editor

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By Nevada Appeal readers

A better incentive: Give money to vets

If we want to stimulate the economy with a cash infusion as the suggested "rebate" claims, why not get the biggest bang for the buck? Rather than giving 166,000,000 people, not necessarily "tax payers," funds ranging from $500 to $1,500, why not reward veterans for their service and sacrifice? My proposal, which I have sent to every candidate running for president is this: Excuse veterans from paying federal income tax for five years for every one year of service and excuse combat veterans from paying taxes for 20 years and establish a veteran rate that is the lowest rate available to tax payers. This would give money to worthy people and it would be a tremendous incentive to join the military. The blanket give away that rewards everyone except people on Social Security is flawed. Veterans' service and sacrifice should be recognized and a federal tax break would go a long way to help them receive the recognition they deserve for service to our country. If you agree with this please contact all the presidential candidates and ask them if they would advocate and advance this concept if elected.



Best kept secret in Northern Nevada

I commend the townsfolk of Stagecoach for their pride in their community. I have known since 1979, when I moved here, that the people of this special community were dedicated to living in a friendly atmosphere.

The residents of Stagecoach have always been there to help whenever and wherever they could.

In 1976, The United States Bicentennial, residents gathered to volunteer in building the Stagecoach Community Center which, probably, is still the most utilized meeting place in Lyon County. How's that for Community pride? "The Extreme Makeover, Home Edition" week of construction with hundreds of volunteers braving very bad winter conditions to ensure that The Boettcher's had a new beautiful home was great. The day after The Boettcher's returned, I was told by a long time resident of Stagecoach, who had spent time volunteering on the project, she was disappointed because she could not volunteer more due to the number of people from outlying communities who had volunteered. She felt Stagecoach residents should have priority because it is their community. How's that for Community pride?

With the scenic view of the hills and mountains surrounding Stagecoach and the glorious sunrises and sunsets, who wouldn't be proud to live in Stagecoach, Nevada? Stagecoach is the best kept secret in Northern Nevada.

Tom Blomquist, of "Dead Camel Nevada," has been right all along. I AM The Mayor of "Widespot Nevada" and proud of it!


Chairman, Stagecoach Advisory Board (Town Board)


Has had enough of the old white guys

A middle-aged white woman, a slightly younger black man with immediate African heritage, and ... another old white guy. That certainly appears to be the trio of finalists for our new American Idol. Don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against old white guys. After all, I'm close to the middle-aged one and ... with luck and science, I'll reach that first rung of Medicare and become an old white guy myself. It's just that with the exception of a few fellas in their forties, we've had a steady 230-year diet of SPF-15 dependent old white guys running the Executive branch of our government. Some have been brilliant, some mediocre, and some downright abysmal. But 230 years of anything without a change needs to come to an end. Hey, I could eat shrimp and lobster for days, but eventually I would have to have that greasy, double-cheeseburger and fries just for a change.

The present old white guy, John McCain, started out as the anti-Bush in his party. He was soon swift-boated by the evil Karl Rove and relegated to maverick status. He then offered tepid opposition in the Senate. He then realized that his ticket to the top was to go along with the Bush program, so he proceeded to do a major flip-flop and mimic his adversary. McCain has suddenly become the biggest war hawk since Curtis "Drop the Big One" LeMay. Face it folks. McCain would be another four years of Bush incompetence. And word has it that he has a pretty bad temper. Just the kind of dude (old and rash) that I want near that nuclear button. So if you're really not a sexist, or a racist, or a bigot, and McCain actually does speak to your beliefs, then you're in luck. You get to stick to that centuries old diet. Another anti-liberal, conservative old white guy who loves war.

Now to my occasional "In-N-Out" compadres. We have a shot, don't we? As I watched Kucinich and Edwards (first choices) bow out, I realized we still had some solid alternatives that really represented change. A woman or an African-American. Hillary or Obama. One of them will be in the Presidential exacta and neither one is an old white guy.

Maybe now is the moment. Maybe now is the time we pay homage to all the suffragettes, all the civil rights activists, all of those Americans who fought and died (while old white guys were in charge) to prove that our Constitution really did mean equality and opportunity for all. Maybe now is the time to change our presidential diet and try something new.

If that is the case, then I'll certainly enjoy my double-cheeseburger, fries and a shake come November.


Carson City

Tahoe airport revival cuts need in valley

According to an article in the Feb. 1 edition of the Nevada Appeal, the Lake Tahoe Airport is going to be brought back to life. This should eliminate the need for expansion at the Minden-Tahoe Airport for more jet use, thus assuring our area the return of the soaring community. We are privileged to be the third best area in the world for this activity.

This should also eliminate the concerns of most homeowners in the Minden and Gardnerville areas regarding noise, pollution, and safety factors that accompany jets. Our county officials are determined to make our general aviation airport into something much larger with much more air traffic in and out of the airport. The amount of aviation activity Minden-Tahoe Airport currently receives and the voter approved weight limit of planes in and out is just fine as it is.

Lake Tahoe is truly the destination place for tourists, much more so than this area.



Disagrees with guest editorial

I take exception with your editorial on abortion, of January 23. While I disagree entirely with your opinion, for the sake of brevity I will comment on only one portion. It seems to be your opinion that it is wrong to change a precedent set by a previous court. I applaud them for being willing to stand up for what is right and be willing to stand with the Constitution. Our Constitution reads: "... provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

Human life begins at conception. From day one to our death we are human. The one and only difference is place of residence.



Opposes 'Socialist States of America'

This is a response to a letter by Ms. Spreeman, veteran, who states we veterans should muster behind John McCain. She says that in her heart she knows he will be a good president. I'm sorry Ms Spreeman, but people who vote with their hearts tend to be for people like Obama and Hillary who state lofty goals but fail to mention 1) how they plan to achieve their stated goals; and, 2) how they plan on paying for the goals. I'm hoping people will vote with their heads and that means you have to do a little research into the candidates. My research on Senator McCain involved printing out McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy and McCain-Lieberman. After reading the three laws, I came away with a feeling that McCain is more of a moderate Democrat than a Conservative Republican. My personal analysis is that this November America will have a choice between a far-left Democrat and a moderate Democrat who calls himself a Republican. Not much of a choice there in my estimation.

I'm a Vietnam vet that wants America to remain the United States of America, and not slip further toward becoming the Socialist States of America. There is that movement and both Obama and Hillary want to take us in that direction. Hillary stated the other day that if people don't want to sign up for her mandatory health care program that she believes the government must garnish their wages. So much for freedom of choice, eh?

I'm for less government. Remember when the government foisted reduced water toilets on us? They banned the manufacture of the old fashioned toilets. Now the government plans to ban incandescent light bulbs. Why not allow us to make a choice? Why, because the government wants full compliance with their mandates. With mandatory health care on its way; only fuel efficient vehicles in the offing; giving amnesty to 12 to 25 million criminals (it is a crime to enter our country without our blessing), I'd say we better get ready to put up a sign for either Obama, Hillary or McCain to hold up at the border reading, "Welcome to the Socialized States of America. The line for socialized programs forms up on the left!"

Hold on to your wallets everybody, these characters are going to be expensive.



Where does Vietnam fit into McCain's plans?

Heeerrresss Johnny!

After years of being kicked, starved, beaten, tortured in every imaginable way (thank God they didn't put underwear on his head) maybe he developed a plan!

Get home, say and do the right things, and get elected a United States Senator. Keep saying and doing the right things and get elected as President of the United States, becoming "Commander in Chief" of the strongest military in the history of the world.

Hanoi won't have to worry about global warming, a nuclear freeze is mighty cold! Crazy Johnny, you sly old devil. A 35-year old plan comes together. Maybe Jane Fonda better check the statute of limitations for treason.


Silver Springs

Hillary overstates her experience

Can someone tell me how Hillary Clinton claims to have 35 years experience when all she did before becoming New York's Senator was serve tea as first lady in Arkansas and Washington D.C.? What color tea cups to use is not a very hard decision to make. Thank you.


Carson City

Remembering the words of Eisenhower

With all this talk about "change" being the answer to all our problems this election season, I am reminded of a quote by Dwight D. Eisenhower.

During his 1956 Republican National Convention victory speech he warned, "Change based on principle is progress. Constant change without principle becomes chaos."




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