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Euthanization same as slaughter

In regards to the article which states: "because of the costs for wild horse round ups, adoption lower than average and costs for keeping them in holding corrals, euthanizing is being considered."

So euthanizing, that seems to be a pacifier. Is it not the same action as slaughtering only a more humane approach to destroy wild horses? Is there not a law currently against wild horses being slaughtered in this country? The word cruelty is mild when you see 800+ startled foals, mares who are either pregnant or mature and stallions running for their lives. The chopper blades roaring louder than the sound of the herd running, the enormous size harboring over them and debris blowing everywhere; how would any animal or human being come away from an earth shaking experience like that without being physically and emotionally impacted for a lifetime; almost sounds like 9-11 hum.

Then the transportation of like 20+ horses in one trailer; just so that they can be euthanized, in order to put them out of their misery; now that sounds humane. Drive any highway in Nevada, you can see cattle/sheep grazing on the same foliage/sagebrush as wild horses. Whoever is making the comments about wild horses starving are not looking at the privately owned cattle and sheep; they are starving on the same foliage/sagebrush/weeds. The only difference is the cattle and sheep are owned by private ranchers who will be obtaining a profit from the weight they gain from grazing.

There's about 1,100+ wild fires burning; removing wild horses will bring more cheat grass/foliage/weeds/sagebrush to fuel the wild fires. Something to ponder while the powers that be try to figure out which fires to put out; 1) The starving wild horses or 2) The wild fires that are burning because of dried foliage. To slow down the open ranges from burning, let the wild horses graze freely.


Wild Horse Preservation League


Carson needs fine tuning, not a new image

I read with interest the "Our Opinion" in Sunday's Nevada Appeal. The question was posed "what identity is right for the city?"

I would like to say it already exists. We are a small town comprised of a melting pot of individuals. We are retirement friendly, business and manufacturing receptive and offer a better life to hardworking people who would like a better way of life for their families.

Do we want to be like Reno? I say, "I don't think so." Can we be like Tahoe? Not unless we dig a really big hole and fill it with water.

What we want to be is who we are with a little "fine tuning." You mentioned the worsening economy. What I propose is if you live in Carson City, shop in Carson City, if the products or services you need are available locally. Don't spend you money in Douglas County.


Carson City

Where's the outrage over lost freedoms?

Did anyone out there read Orwell's "1984" or Huxley's "Brave New World," or has Nevada's educational system always been at the bottom looking up? Where is the outrage? Bush, the Republican Party, and a few spineless Democrats have just gutted the 4th Amendment of our Constitution. Estimates point to no less than 30 felonies committed by the White House and the Telecom corporations in their complicit lawbreaking of spying on individual American citizens without a warrant. It seems that immunity from civil prosecution for these Telecoms is far more important than the rights of the American people. Of course ... immunity, pardons, and commutations are par for the crooked course of this White House.

Again, where is the outrage? Is it that easy to give up the Constitutional right to illegal search by "the government?" What's next? Armed Homeland Security agents at border checkpoint stations between counties and states demanding "Show us your papers!" No need to look for commies under my bed. The Fascists are in plain sight among us under a wave of jingoistic nationalism. And it seems to millions of blind Americans that giving up freedoms to a lying and corrupt government is no big deal. Thanks a lot.

Geez, I almost forgot. You still have all of your guns. What was I thinking? When our new anti-terror version of the KGB comes to your house to cart you off to the Alaskan Gulag, you can stage your very own version of a Waco standoff? Good luck.


Carson City


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