Don't wait to make Mother's Day plans

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Happy Mother's Day this coming Sunday. Many restaurants in town are open for a Mother's Day treat, so call them, and take your mom out to brunch or dinner. The Nevada State Railroad Museum will be giving free rides to mothers on the steam train Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (regular fares apply to all others). The RSVP carnival will be at Mills Park this weekend, too.


It's been sad news for pet lovers this week ... first our editor's dog, Ranger, died after being very ill ... then Eight Belles, the Derby runner-up had to be euthanized after breaking both her front legs after the finish line. Let's hope there's a "pet heaven," and that they're frolicking around eating kibble and oats to their hearts content.


Musings: Should the new Reno baseball team be called the Quakers (not the religion, but the "earth")? Is Fire Chief Stacy Giomi a "TV star" now that he's on Channel 8 doing "be prepared" commercials? (We can see it now ... our houses will burn to the ground before the first truck is dispatched). Is it too much to ask when "customer service" at a store near Topsy Lane has four people in line, eight employees yakking at each other, and NO ONE helps the "customers?" A reader complained about that one ... can't blame her. And, for all you "fast food" customers, check out your stuff BEFORE you leave the check-out window ... more often than not, they forget something, and you're #%$@& them out for doing so ... caveat emptor!


Brian Whalen heard this on Jay Leno last week: "We won the Spanish-American War 100 years ago ... just think, if they had won, over 50 percent of Los Angeles would be speaking Spanish by now."


Don't forget to leave lots of canned goods and non-perishable foods on your doorstep on Saturday for your postman to pick up. It's their 16th annual "Food Drive to Stamp Out Hunger" ... and will go to Advocates to End Domestic Violence and F.I.S.H. Good deeds. Also, on Saturday, Dayton is holding its Oodles of Noodles Cook Off in Old Town beginning at 9 a.m. (246-7909). Yum.


What are we missing here? The governor's attorney is suing to "get the mansion back?" Whoa, Nelly ... it should be the governor's, no matter what, so what's the hangup? The mansion is his (for a couple more years anyway), and even though a reader of ours said "Dawn should get the mansion," it was a facetious statement. Definitely Weirdsville.


The drop-out rate in the nation's high schools is 30-50 percent, according to many statistics we've seen. What are these kids and their parents thinking? They're not, of course. Then they wonder why they're in debt, can't find a doctor, don't live in a big house or drive a neat car. No school, no degree, no smarts. So, kiddies, get with the program ... study now, or regret it later. 2+2 DOES equal 4.


Nina Bailey always comes through for us: "A hack golfer spends a day at a plush country club, playing golf and enjoying the luxury of a complimentary caddy. As usual, he plays a terrible game. At the 18th hole, he spots a lake off to the left of the fairway. He looks at the caddy and says, 'I've played so poorly today, that I think I'm going to go drown myself in the lake.' The caddy looks back at him and says, 'I don't think you could keep your head down that long.'"


WNMTC's "Damn Yankees" opens Thursday at the Community Center at 7:30 p.m. Always a delightful show, with Joe, the Devil, and Lola ("Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets"). Call 445-4249 for reservations and information. Bruka Theatre in Reno will open "Steambath" the same day (323-3221). WNC will also be holding their 12th annual Multi-Cultural Festival on Saturday at the college. Free admission, and details at 445-3000. Fun for all.

Then, if you want some more delightful entertainment, take in the BAC Stage Kids performances of "Treasure Island" this weekend, too (883-1976). They are always entertaining and fun.


The president still thinks the economy is doing well ... we wonder if he's EVER bought a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs or a gallon of milk? As for the war, well, you know our take on that. He's rapidly spending us into a Third World society ... one our GREAT grandkids will be paying for. Encourage Congress to keep subsidizing corn, turn corn into ethanol, and abet world hunger. Keep those good thoughts, George, and dream on.


D'Vine Wine is hosting a fundraiser for Victims of Domestic Violence tonight at 6:30 p.m. Music, hors d'oeuvres and a silent auction will provide "new beginnings" bags to women seeking shelter with the Advocates. Go and give them a hand. Then, on Saturday evening, they are having a "Mother's Eve Dinner." Call them at 882-7766, if Mom can't go out on Sunday.


Clinton and Obama are taking it on the chin rightly for "mis-speaking" and the Rev. Wright ... unfortunately, it takes the heat off John McCain and his plan to give tax credits of $2,500 for an individual, and $5,000 for every family so they can pay for their own health insurance. Let's see if we have this straight. They will buy their own insurance and get tax credits for doing so. HA. Most won't do it, regardless of "credits," because it costs too much. What part of human nature does this plan not understand?


Another Nina Bailey gem: "After spending three hours in a long line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, a man stopped at a toy store to buy a gift for his son. He took his selection - a baseball bat - to the register. 'Cash or charge, sir?' the clerk asked. 'Cash,' the man snapped. Apologizing for his rudeness, he explained, 'I've spent the afternoon at the DMV.' 'Shall I wrap the bat,' the clerk asked sweetly, 'or are you going back there?'"


By the way, the State of California has a new wireless telephone law that goes into effect on July 1. You will be able to only use a cell phone in a car for an emergency or use a "hands free" device. Drivers under 18 cannot use them at all while driving, except for emergencies. Be aware of the changes.

• Carolyn Tate and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. Write to them at


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