Letters to the editor

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Those Yucca funds are far from factual

I take a real issue with Mr. Muth's lack of credibility and hopefully you will publish this letter in response.

This Muth's, 'Cash for Yucca is no fantasy' article, again shows that the lackey of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI ), reports data as facts that has not been even published as of Oct. 2, 2008 at the Government Printing Office. Muth hangs his hat on the Inhofe proposed amendment that has to be adopted to be part of Senate Bill 3036. That is as yet to be debated in the Senate. The Jefferson Group hired by the NEI has provided large sums of funds to Senator Inhofe, one donation being provided in June 2008. Muth quotes this paper as if the proposed amendment was going to be accepted. It has no merit until it is voted on and passed by the Senate and the House.

This again clearly shows Muth uses useless data as facts to "prove" his view. I don't care what he thinks but I do care when he uses the Nevada Appeal to spread his useless rumor.


Carson City

It's character assassination time on the campaign trail

It appears that the folks at McCain headquarters, upon realizing they were not doing well on The Issues, have pirouetted to "Character Assassination Mode" without missing a beat! On Saturday (Oct. 4), they unleashed their pet piranha ... excuse me, their pet barracuda ... in Colorado and California where she proclaimed... "he's (Obama) palling around with terrorists who would target their own country" ... which, also without missing a beat, was quickly picked up by the major news media and branded the nonsense (lie?) it really was. I wonder if the lovely lady from Alaska dons her Cartier rubber booties before sloshing around in the gutter like this!

Isn't it curious that the party billing itself the "Party of the Compassionate Conservatives;" the "Party of Family Values;" the "Party of the Christian Coalition;" owns the copyright on this type of vicious and uncivil diatribe?



Voting in favor of the V&T

I recently watched a rerun of the candidate forum hosted by the League of Women Voters on public access television. I was very interested in the segment discussing the pros and cons of the V&T ballot question. As a senior on a fixed income, I was surprised to learn that the amount of tax that I would pay was so low. I was also surprised to learn that the tax will go away by 2020. After watching the forum discussion, I am now convinced that the benefits of the train far exceed the small cost to individual taxpayers. Even more importantly, if I understand correctly, Carson City will get its money back! It sounds like a good investment in the future. As for this Carson City resident, the V&T project has my vote this November.


Carson City

Cats should be indoors

I am a wee bit confused by Patricia Devereux's rebuttal (10/7/8) of Dylan Rader's opinion piece in the paper regarding removal of animal control laws. While I am in favor of some laws, others are a bit of a stretch and every incident has its own story. Mr. Rader's dog, according to the article, was about to be leashed by its owner when it was shot, if memory serves me correctly. And, by the way as to the shooter ... who gives a teenager a gun these days? But, that is another story.

So coyotes and stray dogs roam your neighborhood. Well, I can't think of a worse idea than to tether cats outside the house even with a 6-foot-fence surrounding it. Can she possibly ever think they are safe by that method? What she is creating is a "sacrificial lamb" of her pets by doing so and leaving them unattended in the yard? Tethering your cats only makes it easier to catch them. They can't run away or find some place on higher ground if they sense danger when tethered.

I understand you can't keep a dog inside all the time. Dogs have to be able to run and play in their yard; but unless you have a fence climber or digger, I would not tether a dog either. Really, Ms Devereux, keep cats indoors. It is the only way they will be safe from anything lurking out there.


Carson City


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