Life is an enigma. In the beginning, we are born, only to realize suddenly that the end is death. With that realized, we still hope to have a long life filled with good things happening to us. We find out, however, that life is not fair, and, along with good things, come the bad. So it is with our column today. With heavy hearts, we report the death of Danielle Conway early Sunday morning. From the beginning of her cancer over two years ago, she fought desperately to beat the odds, suffering not only her own disease, but also the sudden death of her 12 year old daughter, Kyra, during that time. Her mother, Norma, had a heart attack recently, and still Danielle fought on. While this story hasn't had the ending we'd all hoped for, we want you to remember Danielle's uplifting spirit, laughter and joie de vivre, rather than the final chapter. Many in this community send Norma and Mitchell (Danielle's son) and the rest of her family their love. You may say goodbye Saturday at the Legislative Mall at 11 a.m. (bring a picnic lunch). A shooting star at night, while fleeting, is beautiful. So, we wish that the Conway family's two stars, two "angels," look over them always.
Good things coming up soon: Salsa y Salsa will be at Telegraph Square, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., on Saturday; State retiree's luncheon at the Nugget on Friday at 11:30 p.m.; and French lessons at ZBistro on Sundays starting again on Sept. 28 ... beginners (noon to 1:45 p.m.), and intermediates (3 to 4:45 p.m.). Michael Harris is the instructor (he's studied French here and in France). Lessons are $35 a class, and include pate, cheese and fresh fruits ... wine is available to purchase. For additional information, contact him at Allez!
Terry Beauchamp found this on the Internet for all you sun lovers: "A man fell asleep on the beach and burned his legs severely. He went to the hospital, was diagnosed with second-degree burns, and was admitted immediately. In severe pain, and with blisters starting to form, the doctor prescribed continuous intravenous feeding, with saline, electrolytes, a sedative, and a Viagra pill every four hours. The nurse was astounded, and asked what good the Viagra would do for him. The doctor replied, 'It won't do anything for his condition, but it'll keep the sheets off his legs.'"
Other things of interest: A wind farm near Virginia City and Washoe Valley? Sounds like our next tourist attraction. And the Silver Sox coming to CC? YIPPEE! We can taste those garlic fries already. (CC has ALWAYS been more of a baseball town than Reno). The Carson City Shade Tree Council is looking for pictures of Carson's oldest and most interesting trees. Email Lee-Ann Keever at with your pictures, or send them to the Parks and Recreation Dept., 3303 Butti Way, #9, CC, NV 89706, by the 19th, if possible.
Proscenium Players opens its 44th season Friday with the "Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged," at 7:30 p.m. (a half hour earlier than you're used to) at the Brewery Arts Center (883-1976). There will be a champagne/sparkling cider reception on opening night, so get your tickets NOW, and prepare to be "cultured." Auditions for PPI's musical "I Say Nevada," will be Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the BAC (782-3893 for details). Happy birthdays to Pat Josten, Charlie Hutter, Christi Schmid, Alexis Lequerica, and Kim Johnston Brown. Best wishes to Mary and George Whalen, "just because," from Carolyn; and thanks to John Lane and "audience" at the City Cafe Bakery ... yahoo.
OK, we've heard almost everything, but Deborah Greco was listening to NPR out of Sacramento the other day when they were discussing the cui-ui in Pyramid Lake. The reporter was calling them "cooey-ooey's." Cracked us up.
A big "Get Well" to John Frink of the Railroad Museum; and it was nice to see Pam and Dave Perondi at Kristopher's Cafe and Floral Shop on Topsy Lane enjoying dinner. The Capital City Arts Initiative has an exhibition reception at the Courthouse Gallery on Friday from 5-7 p.m. You will see fabulous photos of old Carson City from the Appeal archives.
We're lucky that Sarah Palin doesn't live in Carson City. There were two beautiful four-point bucks on the lawn of a local politician last week chomping on apples. Fortunately, his wife doesn't belong to the NRA and wasn't out "dressing" them for dinner. So "the buck didn't stop here." (go ahead and groan)
Vernon Manke sent us Gracie Allen's (of Burns and Allen fame) classic recipe for Roast Beef: "1 large roast of beef. 1 small roast of beef. Put both in the oven, and, when the little one burns, the big one is done." How simple is that? And Robin Williams was quoted on the Bonnie Hunt show Monday talking about our Olympic swimmers in "full body condoms." Now there's a picture to end your week! Have fun.