Letters to the editor 04/03/09

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Fremont school schedule should not change

A letter to the school board regarding Fremont elementary schedule.

I am asking you to seriously consider your actions of voting to approve the traditional schedule, which would include Fremont changing from year-round to traditional.

1. You are voting against what your electorate desires. The issue of Fremont's schedule was exhaustively reviewed last year and over 70 percent of parents and teachers voted to remain on year-round schedule. How can you knowingly vote contrary to what the majority wants? Please respect that we know what is best for our children. We are well educated, informed and understand this issue inside and out. If there was a significant cost savings to the district, I would be first in line to support a schedule change.

2. I was present at last year's board meetings when this issue was reviewed. A fellow Fremont mom asked if Fremont's schedule was something subject to review each year. The board adamantly said, "no," case closed, Fremont's schedule will remain as is. Based on last year's statements from the board, Fremont's schedule should not even be up for discussion.

3. Our country's new secretary of education, Arne Duncan, supports innovation and thinking outside the box. He supports more school days and shorter breaks. Shorter breaks are beneficial for low-income children ... 45 percent of Fremont's kids are low income who benefit from the shorter breaks that Fremont offers.

4. The district has not been able to demonstrate a significant cost savings to support a schedule change.

5. The vote to approve next year's schedule should not include Fremont. The Fremont issue should be a separate vote so the public can clearly see what you are doing.

I am asking you to be a leader ... to do what your electorate has asked " step up to the plate and vote against changing Fremont's schedule.


Carson City

Time for Carson school board to think logically

I think the Carson school board is not doing the right thing with Fremont Elementary School.

I am a parent of a kindergarten student at Fremont. When I was considering where to send my child, one of my major considerations was the year-round track. The school we are zoned for is on a traditional track, so it was easy to decide to apply for a variance to Fremont.

My husband and I, in better economic times, would like to be able to take vacations in the "off-season" without our child missing school. The year-round track is great for my child's learning as well. The year-round track provides the right balance of days in school with time off. My child is accelerating at Fremont. We are very pleased with Fremont and love the year-round track.

Changing Fremont's track to a traditional track will not provide the "big" savings the district needs, it will only satisfy a few of the board members' egos. It is time the Carson school board starts thinking fairly and logically, not emotionally.


Carson City


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