130 years ago
To use the inelegant expression, but one that will convey the correct idea, it must be said that the weather was beastly yesterday. A high wind was blowing all day, filling the air with clouds of dust and profane language of emphatic pedestrians.
100 years ago
Rev. Mr. Hornaday and his congregation are making preparations for a big jubilee service in the M. E. church when it is dedicated Sunday, June 20. The congregation has been at work for several months completely rebuilding and remodeling their church, which is the oldest edifice in the city.
70 years ago
George Rusnk, indicted by the federal grand jury Monday, was arraigned today. He pleaded guilty to a liquor-to-Indian charge and was sentenced to serve six months in jail and was fined one dollar. Dr. Fred M. Anderson has been appointed physician for the Nevada Orphan's Home.
50 years ago
The Silver Spur is undergoing a major face lifting, according to owner Floyd Douglas. Architect plans call for a yellow fiberglass background on the top section of the building, a marquee outlined by neon for signs, and a red brick lower section.
20 years ago
Nevada's non-violent young felons could face five months in a military type boot camp to "sweat 'em straight" instead of prison under a program approved by the Senate Finance Committee.
10 years ago
William Denevi leaves $2.3 million to the Nevada Agricultural Foundation to educate people about agriculture.
• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.