Sometimes there are no BIG headline grabbers during the week, so we'll tell you about the "other stuff" going on ... in case you haven't noticed, CHS football is doing very well, so go out and support the team. They usually have some good hamburgers to chomp on, too. Make a night of it. Other good news ... Maria Arrigotti's concert last weekend was a smasheroo. She has the vocal abilities of an angel, and surrounded herself with delightfully talented people. What a treat.
Unfortunately, we have sad news, too. Our friend Roger Maillard passed away after a long illness. We will miss him greatly, as will all his friends, particularly his longtime companion and dearest love, Eloise Koenig. Our deepest sympathies go out to all.
From the Internet: "A Fox News photographer called the local airport to charter a flight and was told an airplane would be waiting for him. Arriving at the airport, he spotted a plane warming up, so jumped in and said, 'Let's go.' The pilot taxied out, took off and was told by the photographer to fly over the valley and make low passes so he could take pictures of fires on the hillsides. 'Why?' asked the pilot. 'I'm a photographer for Fox News and we need to get some closeup shots.' The pilot went strangely silent for a moment, then stammered, 'So, what you're telling me is ... you're NOT my flight instructor?'"
Brenda Pugsley told us about the Duplicate Bridge Club in town at 110 E. Ann St., just north of the Children's Museum. They play five games a week and will be giving lessons for beginners starting in October. Call Bob Anderson at 885-7757 or 884-4075 to sign up. The charge for playing duplicate is $7. If you've ever wanted to learn bridge, this is your chance.
They were once cute babies ... now look at them. And they're all having B-days this week. Carolyn Tate (who she?), Katie Jesse, Jack Heller, Nathan Clinger, Nick Brown, Paula Morton, Sheryl Lindquist, Betty Ruggeri and Eileen Paloolian. Wow, supplies of candles will be depleted badly.
Linda and Erich Von Batsch have opened Baron's RV & Boat Storage at 20 Newman Lane in Mound House, off Highway 50 East (246-9292) ... prices start at $49 a month, with the first month free. It's probably time to think about storing your summer toys before the winter sets in and you're wondering what to do with your boat (put runners on it and have a "ski boat?" Just wondering.)
Carolyn went to Idaho last week to visit her cousin, and came back with a puppy she found that was nearly starving to death. The pup is being nursed back to health, but now she may be facing a "taking lost puppies across state lines" indictment (Maizie made that one up). The doggy is now very happy living with C's daughter, Kim.
And M was off to Mendocino last week to see the coast, stay at the Agate Bay Inn, ride the Skunk, and eat lots of seafood. No doubt she ran into Angela Lansbury and a murder or two (wasn't it amazing how many people were "done in" there? Made Washington, D.C., and New Orleans look crime free).
The photography of our own Rick Gunn, and his friend Eric Jarvis, is on display at the South Valleys Library in Reno, at 15650A Wedge Parkway. "Focus Laos" features some of the photos they took while bicycling over there. A reception will be held from 3-4 p.m. Oct. 3 at the gallery. The show will run through Nov. 12.
Happy fall!
• Carolyn Tate and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. They can be reached at