Letters to the editor April 7

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Water consolidation equals tax increase

Douglas County has now spent over $100,000 on the Water Enterprise Fund Consolidation studies with a Washington state company. Could they not find a Douglas County or at least a Nevada consultant?

The consolidation proposes to spend over $16 million on engineering, permits and construction to fix mostly systems serving the multimillion-dollar homes at the lake while forcing the East Valley Utility and West Valley Utility users to pay the costs. The lake gets off free - in fact, their water costs are reduced.

Why are they proposing to mix the rotten apples with the good?

Last year, the county reallocated their costs to the water users resulting in a $1 million-plus revenue enhancement - tax increase - which they refuse to recognize or admit.

The proposed water consolidation is tantamount to another tax increase costing the valley taxpayers millions.

Tell the commissioners that you want no part of this proposal. They meet in Minden May 6 and will vote on it June 3. They meet at the lake April 15 and May 20.

Stop these tax increases now before it is too late - let your voices be heard loud and clear. Their contact data is on the county's Web site at www.douglascountynv.gov. Call, write and e-mail today.

Stuart L. Posselt


Like drugs, America hooked on entitlements

The new health care law shows that entitlements are to be the drug of choice, administered by the progressive pushers. Once hooked on the benefits of other people's earnings, your responsibility and your liberty are gone. Gone, too, is the principle of freedom our founding fathers pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to establish and then preserve with our Constitution.

As politicians learn to get re-elected by offering a share of other people's earnings (confiscated by taxes) the circle of power and control is complete. Thus, it is the enemy within, and the demise of our incentive-driven and productive free society is at hand.

Wake up America. We are there.

Jake LaFleur

Carson City

Gibbons, heed will of people on health care

On March 26, two pages in the Nevada Appeal stated something different. On the front page, our governor wants our state Attorney General's Office to sue the United States government on behalf of the people of Nevada.

Well, perhaps the governor will look at what the residents of Nevada answered on the Nevada Appeal poll, "Should Nevada sue to stop the health care bill?" The reader's poll results were 32.98 percent yes, sue the government, and 67.02 percent no, do not sue the government.

I am against suing our government regarding this health care plan and I am a voting resident of this state.

President Obama stated before the election that he would work on health care reform, that he believed everyone ought to have health care coverage, and he outlined his plan.

I, and enough others, agreed with what he said and voted for him.  There were enough of us in Nevada and in this great country that voted for him that he won the election. More people agree not to sue to stop the health care plan for our state.

 Linda Adams


Library's no-firearms rule puts patrons in danger

The Carson City Library has recently posted a sign, "No firearms allowed in building." Apparently, the library people do not trust law-abiding Nevadans who have undergone an extensive FBI background check, passed a written exam and completed a firearms proficiency test in order to obtain a Nevada concealed carry permit.

This sign tells the crazies and bad people that it is now safe for them to go into the library and do whatever they want. This sign tells me that while people are in the library, that the library, under threat of liability, will protect them and guarantee their safety.

A gun-free zone is a kill zone.

Frank D. Millslagle

Carson City


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