130 years ago
One of those "road locomotives" made in England was taken from Wadsworth to the mines in central Nevada yesterday. It is a ponderous machine weighing, when loaded minus water and fuel, some 12 or 13 tons. The wheels are some eight feet high with corrugated rims a foot wide. It is loaded with windlass and chains for hauling wagons up steep hills. (Silver State)
100 years ago
Those engaged in hauling freight between Minden and Mono note this to be the busiest in 20 years. Equipment for an entire electric plant, mill and cyanide plant are to be hauled by team to their respective points by 12-animal teams. Such sights bring back memories of the by gone days of Aurora and Bodie.
70 years ago
The city trustees instructed City Engineer Amodei to purchase a 550-gallon
12-gauge gasoline tank for the city yard, not to exceed $125. Members present were M.E. Norton, Mayor and trustees Oliver Pratt, George Martin and George Lind.
50 years ago
First National Bank vice-president Jordan Croch told a packed meeting of the Lions yesterday that the greatest problem of today is a lack of understanding. He said the average profit margin of business today is 4.9 percent, when many average persons believe a margin of 50 percent exists.
20 years ago
Nearly 20 years after the first "Earth Day," the event that gave birth to the modern American environmental movement will hold it's anniversary next Sunday as a global event. Earth day brought to the American consciousness acid rain and the greenhouse effect.
10 years ago
Comstock Historic District boundary revisions will be considered after contacting property owners. Boundary changes were suggested in Dayton to include the Dayton cemetery.
• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.