Letters to the editor July 1

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Sen. Reid stands up for our troops

I am weary of right-wing nuts trying to plant seeds that Sen. Reid does not support America's fighting men and women. A letter in the Nevada Appeal stated that Reid somehow back-stabbed the troops by stating that the Iraq war was lost. Ask the Iraqis if they feel like they won.

The back stabbing occurred years earlier, by putting these brave souls into a totally unnecessary war. As it should be, soldiers will always do their duty to the best of their ability. But it is up to the national leadership to ensure that when we ask these folks to put their lives on the line, it actually has something to do with the security of the country.

Unfortunately Sen. Reid signed up for Iraq initially. But as far as support of the troops, simply put, there is no politician that has done more for soldiers, military families, military retirees and veterans than Harry Reid.

McCain falsely touted himself as having the highest rating by the various veteran service organizations. Sen. Reid does enjoy those high ratings. The Military Officer's Association called him their greatest supporter in Congress. Some of his actual accomplishments: Annual pay raises higher than either Bush or Obama wanted; a new VA hospital in Las Vegas; I no longer have to fund my own disability and he is fighting to stop the offsets of military widow's pensions.

Some put magnetic ribbons on their cars and yap while others really do something.

Warren Sprinkle

Carson City

Amnesty plan is political suicide for Dems

Capitol Hill has done it again. From what I have read and understand, our president could commit political assassination to all Democrats that are trying to keep their seats in Congress and at state levels if he attempts to give a blanket pardon to 10,000 to 18,000,000 illegal immigrants.

Even if unsuccessful, there will hell to pay at the polls. I urge each and every person to contact their congressman to stop this action by the select few on Capitol Hill.

My ancestors came to this country legally through Ellis Island and became legal citizens through hard work and being honest. Why do we have to turn our backs and let others come here and become legal just because the president and his friends want it, so that they can have voters on their side, and not from the majority of legal citizens?

I urge each and every person to watch out for the D.C. crowd, as so many lives have been ruined by some of their actions.

John A. Choat


Soldier's funeral conducted with compassion

Recently, my husband, Col. Kenneth L. Charpilloz, U.S. Air Force retired, passed away. A memorial service was held at Lone Mountain Cemetery conducted by the American Legion Post 56. In every way it was beautifully performed with reverence, compassion and precision.

It was a moving ceremony and very fitting for an extraordinary officer and human being. My grateful thanks to those members who made a wonderful memory for me and my family.

Alice Charpilloz

Carson City


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