Letters to the Editor Nov. 10

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Abowd looks forward to meeting with constituents

I want to extend my sincere thanks to the voters of our city for electing me as Carson City Supervisor Ward 1. I am honored to represent you, and will do so with honesty, open-mindedness and fiscal responsibility.

One of my campaign promises was a once-a-month walkabout with Carson City residents wishing to participate, which I fully intend to honor once I take office in January. This will provide for face-to-face communication with me on issues that residents and business owners feel are important. Time and place will be posted in January.

I would also like to thank everyone who participated in my campaigning efforts. Your support, wisdom and expertise is much appreciated. I am grateful for the educational opportunity of walking and knocking on doors. This provided me with invaluable insight about our community.

I look forward to serving the citizens of Carson City.

Karen Abowd

Carson City

Williamson ran positive campaign for Assembly

Mr. Guy Farmer has a grievous error in his commentary in the Nov. 7 Appeal wherein he writes: "I think Republican Livermore's win was partly due to Democrat Robin Williamson's decision to go negative."

This statement is erroneous because Ms. Williamson never decided "to go negative" and she never ran a negative advertisement.

Unfortunately, Carson City was pummeled. I received nine negative mailers opposing Mr. Livermore. Clearly printed adjacent to Mr. Farmer's address on the mailer I assume he received, is the source: "Paid for by the Democratic Party of Nevada. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee."

This clearly is not Ms. William-son's work.

This was explained to all in Karen McEntire's letter "Negative ads weren't sent out by local party" in the Oct. 31 Appeal.

I agree that the crude and unnecessary negative mailers probably helped elect Mr. Livermore. But Mr. Farmer should determine the facts before throwing stones in the wrong direction.

Michael L. Greedy

Carson City

Unleashed pit bulls are like 4-legged loaded guns

I am experiencing more frequent problems walking my leashed dog in our neighborhood with other dogs that are off leash, especially pit bulls. Despite my plea that they please quickly get their dogs, I hear the same comment from loose dog owners as they walk over, "It's OK, he's good with other dogs."

Well, about one second passes before the pit lunges for my dog's throat. No warning, not a growl, bark or any sign of attack. The most recent assault on my dog was almost fatal and the pepper spray I used on the pit bull was useless.

I will not hesitate to put down the next pit bull that comes my way. There is no other way to stop that breed once it "goes off" on another dog. The truth is, no pit bull can be trusted. Every one of them is more than capable of inflicting fatal injuries on other dogs and people very quickly.

The pit bull problem has been around a long time and gets most of its notoriety when they attack a human. Attacks like mine happen without fanfare and go largely unknown.

Stronger regulation and serious fines might cause any potential pit bull owners to think twice about acquiring this breed of dog. Pit bulls are becoming very popular with young inexperienced dog owners and widespread irresponsibility with them is becoming rampant.

Believe me, I know firsthand. It's time to say enough is enough.

Steve Graehl

Carson City

Take a minute to appreciate the true Nevada

There are so many negatives that Nevadans are forced to deal with in today's Nevada. Constant political bashing, unemployment, foreclosures and recession. All we seem to hear of late are the bad things. So I thought we could all use an uplifting reminder that Nevada is not completely lost.

You step out your front door; it's 7:20 a.m. The air is crisp, quite cool but refreshing. You look up and your neighbor's homes have frost-covered roofs. The wind, for the time being, is completely still. The clouds are pushing off to the east in beautiful pastels of mauve, lavender and gold. The sun is beginning its day, just like you. You look to the south, and the majestic snow-covered peaks are a light glowing purple, borrowing the sun's brightness. Children are headed to school, rustling through the new fallen leaves.

You take a deep breath, and head off to begin your day. But as you head out, you leave with a smile; you realize that there still is Nevada that is untainted and unruined. For it is not the Nevada that we love that has changed.

It's a lesson learned that sometimes it truly takes the small things that you normally take for granted, to appreciate that not all things have gone bad. Take a minute from your day, and enjoy our Nevada.

Letasha McCall

Carson City


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