Democrats Christmas party to benefit organizations

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Carson City Democratic Women's Club's annual Christmas Party will raise funds to benefit both the Children's Museum and Food For Thought.

The party is at noon Dec. 9 at Grandma Hattie's Restaurant, and is open to all.

Instead of bringing gifts to exchange, the attendees will donate checks or cash and the total will be split between the two organizations.

A holiday buffet brunch will be offered for $15.

For information and reservations call Joan at 882-5704.

The theme of the annual pot-luck Christmas Party for all Democrats, - sponsored by Capital City Democrats' Central Committee - is support for Empire Elementary School's Angel Tree program, whereby children in need are assured of receiving Christmas presents.

To "pot-luck," just bring a food or beverage to share at 6 p.m. on Dec. 1 to the Eagle Highlands' community room, 4150 Pheasant Drive, on the corner of Lidigo.

To "Angel," pick a child's name and needs from the tree at Democratic Headquarters, 111 W. Telegraph St.

For more information, call Karen at 883-1256, evenings or weekends, or 841-3367 Monday through Friday. Leave a message - your call will be returned.

On Dec. 10, the Carson City Democratic Women's Club will actively support the Advocates Against Domestic Violence food drive which will be held at the Governor's Mansion.

Democratic women - not members only - will meet at headquarters, 111 W. Telegraph St., at 11:30 a.m., then carpool to the mansion with donations, and assist the workers until 2 p.m.

For more information, call Joan at 882-5704.