Election letters to the editor

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The Nevada Appeal ceased print publication of letters to the editor concerning the election on Oct. 30.

Unfortunately, I see the Nevada Appeal is printing biased and obviously pro-Obama stories in their paper recently from the Associated Press which any informed and educated voter already knows is extremely leftist.

The most recent story on Oct. 28 by the AP titled "AP poll: Majority harbor prejudice against blacks," is yet another example of AP attempting to influence dumb-downed Americans. In honor of what I call "garbage reporting," I would like to retitle the story as follows: "Most Americans of ALL races are offended by people that identify themselves by their race."

In addition, I read numerous letters reporting their Romney political signs are being stolen from their own yards. That's not all some Obama supporters are doing. Last week, one of my co-workers was disgruntled so I asked him what was on his mind. He told me that he picked up his son from his ex-inlaws who live in Carson City and his son asked him who he was voting for. He told him I'm voting for Romney. His son replied that he was racist. He then explained he voted for the candidate he thought was better for his son, not himself and race had nothing to do with it.

Proud Obama supporters, stealing Romney signs and indoctrinating 8-year old kids with their racism propaganda since they have nothing left.

Richard Troolines


An appeal to the undecided and the Independent Party voters: vote for one or the other of the top two candidates. You may not like either one and think that your Independent Party vote or "none of the above" vote is a protest vote. What it really is is a vote for the one who will ultimately lose the race. Consider carefully and vote for one or the other.

Your vote can make a difference in who sits in the Oval Office for the next four years. Vote responsibly!

Dottie Taylor

Carson City

Let's talk about how our present economy was born.

In or about 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency was given Carte Blanche by Congress to clean up an environment already in trouble. Along the way, an endangered species act was added to the work load. Four decades later, our environment is in a much better in a place. However, there were never any economic considerations throughout the entire 40 year process. When questioned about this in a congressional hearing shortly after the near economic collapse in 2007, an EPA specialist replied, "We're not economists."

The 70's also presented us with the 1973-74 Saudi Oil embargo, unemployment that vacillated between 6.9 and 9 percent, 9.1 percent inflation by 1975, stagflation, a 1979 energy crisis, and a new 1979 inflation rate of 11.3 percent.

January 1980 saw a fed induced recession to combat inflation, now at 13.5 percent. Remember, a recession is called only after 6 months of continuing economic decline. The recession ended July 1980, but the effects continued.

The eighties also began with the passage of the Depository Institutions Deregulatory Monetary Control Act of 1980, phasing out various lending and investment regulations previously controlled by the Blass Steagull Act of 1933. The consequences of this new act proved near fatal later on. The eighties also inherited the 70's mess. When President Reagan took office January of 1981, he was greeted with a bankrupt Social Security, a depleted military, 13.5 percent inflation, 9 percent unemployment, the Depository Institutions Deregulatory Monetary Control Act and 6 months of economic decline, which led to a July 1981 recession that eventually ended November 1982.

1982 saw unemployment increase to 10.8 percent as 12 million, and the passage of the Garn-St Kermain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, further deregulationg banks and savings and loans. During this time, and due to recession deficits, Reagan was pressured into signing a $100 billion corporate tax bill. His adamant decision not to increase income taxes or cut military spending proved to be wise decisions for our troubled economy and ending the Cold War.

Inflation was finally controlled in 1983, and the 10.8 percent unemployment started its decline to 7.2 percent, or 7.7 million by the November 1984 election.

Between 1980 and 1983, 91 banks and 118 savings and loans failed with 540 banks and 415 savings and loans on the verge of failure. There were also 750 savings and loans mergers, voluntary and otherwise. In 1984, the Continental Illinois National Bank, too big to fail, did in fact fail, with $45 billion in assets. In 1987, the 22.6 percent stock market collapse proved greater than the 1929 crash. The eighties ended on a slow economic note, and savings and loans continued to have problems.

The nineties subsequently started slow, eventually leading to the July 1990 to March 1991 recession. Housing, manufacturing and construction declined until 1994-95 when construction and housing began their 5 year rebound. Small support business also rebounded. Home returned to their 1990 values in 1999.

The year 1999 also saw a republican Congress eliminate questionable bank and savings and loans investment capabilities while repealing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which lay dormant since 1980.

In March 2001 another recession was called. It ended November 2001. The nineties' 37 quarters of economic growth had to be minute. Between President Bush's first and second terms, there were tax reductions, a successful stimulus, and 52 consecutive months of economic growth in the 2 percent range. Sometime after 2004, the seventeen republican attempts to examine Fannie and Freddie suspected of financial problems were revealed on C-SPAN.

Housing and construction faded away in 2005, as did the small middle class support business. Actually, small middle class businesses have been disappearing for a long time. I was there!

In 2007, the cost of foreign oil and its many by-products buckled our 70 percent service related economy, as described by Congress in 1990. Our 80 percent dependence on foreign oil only worsened the situation. In 2008, and after these decades of very questionable lending and investment practices, the financial industry joined an economy already on the verge of collapse. Who allowed all of this to happen? Congress, the news media and the voters who kept the left in power!

Congressional policies guiding our country between 1954-94 and 2007-12 were quite obviously from the left. They "dominated" Congress during those years. It will take the same type of Republican dominance in the House and alienate control in the Senate to change and improve our economy and country. Having a Republican president would speed things up.

All information compliments of National Bureau of Economic Research and yours truly, who was around at the time, working in small manufacturing business and selling chemical by-products from oil.

Ron Wood

Carson City

"I love Carson City" are pretty common words from Jim Shirk, but when I checked out his campaign disclosure at http://nvsos.gov/SOSCandidateServices/AnonymousAccess/CEFDSearch/Candidate.aspx, I noticed that he has been doing some spending out of town.

Austin, Texas got $238 and Van Nuys, California got $2,172. What is the deal Jim? Can't Carson City business provide you with the banners and signs you want? Or are

these "special" signs and banners?

Well, like I tell my kids, "I hear what you say, but I see what you mean!" I voted for Molly Walt. Her signs were purchased locally, keeping the money right here in our community.

Martin Jones,

Carson City


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