Letters to the editor for Wednesday, July 9, 2014

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Cartoon, news service providers are too liberal

I had very high hopes for the newly-promoted Appeal editor, Mr. Trumble, in terms of fair and balanced reporting and opinions. However, in the opinion section of the June 26 edition, a highly offensive cartoon was published which depicted Republicans dancing on the graves of soldiers killed in the Iraqi war. The cartoon came from Caglecartoons, which has long been the source of political cartoons for the Appeal and is mostly a left leaning source.

Now, surely our new editor has a large menu of political cartoons from which to choose without picking such a tasteless, offensive and unnecessary picture to make a point about those dastardly Republicans. Nobody appreciates a good political cartoon more than this writer, and there are many out there that are funny, entertaining and make a political point without sinking to the level of being offensive and untrue.

While I wish Mr. Trumble the best on his recent promotion, I do have a couple of suggestions. First, look around for a new cartoon supplier; Caglecartoons have proven over the past that they are not fair and balanced. Next, consider a new source for national and international news; Associated Press often comes across more like a news bureau for the Democrats instead of a reputable news source.

Next, when making editorial decisions for our local newspaper, keep in mind that conservative Carson City is not liberal Las Vegas, which has morphed itself into Los Angeles in the desert. Thank You.

Bill Johnston

Carson City


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