Letters to the editor for Sunday, Nov. 16, 2014

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Continue teaching scriptural truth

It has been suggested by a Nevada Appeal guest columnist that Jesus and Paul were “religious reformers.” That’s true, but only in the sense that earlier religious leaders had written and taught false interpretations of scripture which gave rise to false beliefs and traditions of that era.

Teachings of Jesus, Paul and others brought them back to scriptural truth, including the “Greatest Commandment” — to love God and our neighbors. We do that by turning from sin; returning to God; and abiding in him and his word.

Sadly, two misconceptions about this commandment have emerged from the post-modern culture and within some churches. One is that we must agree with and accept the divergent beliefs and lifestyle choices of others in order to prove our love for them. The other misconception is that if we aren’t fully accepting, we hate them. The Greek word for those misconceptions is “hogwash.”

Those who want to hear what tickles their ears and continue practicing their immoralities can find accommodating churches. But, knowing what their final destiny is, we must remain steadfast and continue teaching scriptural truth. No one should be excluded from truth, nor should truth be excluded from them.

King Solomon said it this way: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy,” (Proverbs 27:6).

Kenneth Ready

Carson City

God doesn’t weigh sins

To Rosalee Barnwell Hinton, the good thing about our God is that he does not weigh one sin more than the other. He will judge the unforgiving Bible thumper just as hard as a gay person.

Sunni Enciso

Carson City

Some post-election thoughts

A divisive Barack Obama has proven to be a terrible president. He divides rich from poor, white from black, citizen from immigrant and man from woman.

Good jobs are lost or relegated to part-time. Liberals will chirp, “The unemployment rate is down,” without considering we have the fewest Americans in the workforce since Jimmy Carter’s 1978. Wages are stagnant, Obamacare has replaced full-time workers with part-time workers and all I hear from liberals is, “Gas is under $3 a gallon.” Guess what? Gas was $1.86 per gallon when your savior took office.

I hope the phony “war on women” is over. Mark Udall, Wendy Davis and Sandra Fluke all ran on it and all lost big. If the government doesn’t belong in the bedroom, then the government has no place paying for abortion or contraception, thank you.

Obama blabbed about the Henry Gates situation before it was resolved, as well as Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. I know you want to believe blacks are perfect, but guess what, Mr. President? Blacks are no more perfect than the general population. Accept “your people” might be wrong and move on! It happens.

Finally, just because a mass of people cross the border doesn’t make them American citizens. We have laws! I don’t care how you got here, where you’re from, or how bad things are where you left, we have laws! Follow them, fill out the paperwork, wait in line, and come when you’re approved!

Dan Cerda



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