The Fallon Youth Club's third annual Kids Kup on Saturday at the Fallon Golf Course had 16 teams compete and raised thousands of dollars for the organization.
Tuesday marks the beginning of the fall season for Churchill County High School athletes.
All returning student-athletes including freshmen and new students must complete and return the 2015-15 CCHS Sports Registration to be cleared for athletics.
On Aug. 4-6 from 1-4 p.m. is for football players only, while Aug, 10-13 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. is reserved for all other sports.
The sports registration cost is $70 and includes packets with all required materials, forms and information. It may also be obtained by the following: Download Registration Packet Online at; Click on Schools Tab and select CCHS; Click on Athletics Tab and select Sports Package.
Sport registration packets can be picked up at the CCHS main office during the summer for those that do not have computer access and cannot download packets. Summer office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Contact Brad Daum, CCHS athletic director, at 775-423-2181 ext. 110, or Trudy Dahl, CCHS athletic secretary, at 775-423-2181 ext. 106 for information or assistance.