Letters to the editor for Friday, March 13, 2015

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Trying to patrol Eastridge Lane Speedway

I would like to thank the police force for patrolling on occasion the Eastridge Lane Speedway. There are five young children on our block, and the cars come speeding at least 35 to 40 miles an hour. Every once in a while, they are stopped and ticketed.

It would be nice if they had the manpower to patrol more often. I wish that people would abide by the speed limits and stick to the 25 miles an hour limit.

Save our children’s lives.

Thank you,

Don Logie

Carson City

Supports community college funding

Regarding “More Money Won’t Help Schools,” a letter to the editor on March 4, state spending on Nevada K-12 education is listed as $9,650 per pupil. Last year, state spending on community college education was $7,822 per pupil (figure derived from a publication of the nursing program). Students shared a portion of the costs, adding up to a total of $10,522 per pupil.

The recent budget proposal to the Legislature cuts back on local community college funding. Apparently it is easier politically to cheer on increased funding to pre-K and K-12 without measurable improvement of results than it is to support funding to young voting citizens trying to get the skills to get a job. The few job skills programs offered at the high school level have been very successful, but most of the high school program is intended as college prep courses, missing the needs of a large portion of the students, who then have no help but through the community colleges.

There is no evidence that pre-K education makes for a better adult. It doesn’t even make sense, in terms of early childhood development, to take kids away from their mothers at young ages and cage them in with large numbers of over-stimulated, disease carrying, stranger children. Support results, not fantasies.

Kate Duvall

Carson City


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