Letters to the editor for Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016

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Election letters policy: Letters about the 2016 general election need to be turned into the Nevada Appeal by noon on Thursday, Oct. 20. Letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number and be no more than 250 words. The Appeal reserves the right to edit them. Letters also may appear at nevadaappeal.com. • Only one letter can be submitted every 30 days. • Mail it to Letters to the Editor, Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City, NV 89701. • Send emails to editor@nevadaappeal.com. Thank you.

Backlash against Vintage project is misplaced

Regarding “Vintage — Californication of Carson City,” Mr. Farmer is confusing Californication with another “C” word: Capitalism.

The city done let the deal go down. Preserving open space don’t pay the city’s bills. Blaming worn out, wine drinking senior Cali people is misdirected. Look in your own backyard: the city’s leaders who were elected, the original greed of the farm owners. Hey, I think the Governor lives here! Perhaps he has a suggestion.

June Torres

Carson City

Elect David Carter, Carol Del Carlo

Parents of students and anyone concerned about the direction of Nevada’s education have an opportunity to help elect two candidates who support their views.

David W. Carter, candidate for Nevada State Board of Education (District 2) opposes the constant testing and intrusiveness of Common Core. He’s against pouring excessive tax money into the education bureaucracy. Most important, Carter will demand local control for local school districts, eliminating state and federal interference. Visit www.carter4nvdoe.com for more information.

Carol Del Carlo, candidate for University Board of Regents, District 9, wants affordable and accessible higher education for Nevadans, particularly those who need vocational training. Carol feels that in this rapidly shifting high technology job market, programs should be responsive to real world needs and support innovation. Carol, who is endorsed by former regent Ron Knecht, will be a strong voice for rural Nevada colleges and cooperative extensions. Get more information at caroldelcarlo.com.

Lois Bock


Not much choice found in Hillary or Donald

After watching The Donald and Hillary show, I have come to the conclusion that our present presidential race has become a cheap circus act. Are there no qualified, intelligent Americans who could run for our highest elected office? Of course there are, but without the proper funding base they are left in the cold. Perhaps they are too smart to run. Who would want to be president in these times?

America appears to be on an everlasting slide to mediocrity and no one seems to be out there to take on the job. What choice do we have? The Buffoon and the Baggage Carrier? Lord help America.

Bob Hilderbrand

Carson City

Supervisor candidate aims to bring positive changes to city

My presence on Carson City’s Board of Supervisors will return representation from Ward 4 to collaboration rather than confrontation.

Like the late Will Rogers, I’ve never met anybody I didn’t like. But I’ve met politicians I disagree with, and it’s nothing personal to point out those differences.

I intend to bring a non-partisan search for solutions to city government, offering real leadership instead of negative posturing that accomplishes nothing.

I’ll battle to fix streets, grow commerce and enhance culture. I’ll do so without attacking or undercutting board colleagues.

Nor will I claim to vote “for the people” while ignoring legitimate needs. My fiscal restraint will keep taxes in check, yet maintain city assets in timely fashion.

We can’t watch previous city investments fall apart, letting them become tomorrow’s budget-busters that result in a future generation’s tax hike.

Vote with 2020 foresight and informed insight in 2016. My opponent from Ward 4 can’t lead, won’t follow and offers inarticulate reasons for blocking the path forward.

Vote for me and against continual attempts to promote governing gridlock. Please support my positive and thoughtful plan to help build Carson City’s future.

John Barrette

Candidate for Supervisor Ward 4

Root vote in facts, not political hype

I spent 22 years in the USAF, including one year in flying helicopters in air rescue in country in Vietnam, 25 B-52 missions and C-5s in and out of Nam for three years finally retiring as a Lt. Col. This may or may not have made me qualified to run for the U.S. Senate. I am curious as to how many of the 460 days Rep. Heck in the guard were spent in the combat zone?

Also, I didn’t start out as a Colonel and as best I can recall I never saw too many Generals in the Operating Room, but I will give him benefit of the doubt.

I get very suspicious of people who try and use their service as a stepping stone to political office. The totally misleading ads being run by the big money PACs support are here because of the conservative Supreme Court Decision to allow them. If you want more of the big money intervention in our choices, Heck is your guy. Catherine Cortez Masto has served this state well. She has a deep respect for all of the residents living here. She is honest and has the support of most of the law enforcement leaders in Nevada. Please take the time to investigate both parties and make your decision based on true facts not on the hype being sent out by these PACs.

Chuck Vickrey



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