A Salute to Young Musicians: The Capital City Community Band will once again deliver free music and pay tribute to student musicians at 3 p.m. March 4 at the Carson City Community Center.
The Capital City Community Band is again tipping its hat to some of Carson City’s youngest musicians.
Choirs from four local elementary schools will be featured in “A Salute to Young Musicians,” the free concert that annually pays tribute to and showcases the talent of student musicians.
The performance, featuring students from Fremont, Fritsch, Mark Twain, and Seeliger elementary schools, will be at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Bob Boldrick Theater, inside the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.
The students will join the band in performing “Hymn for Freedom” by Oscar Peterson and a “Tribute to the Armed Forces.” They also will perform singly as a group choir.
Also to be featured will be the clarinet choir from Carson High School and Carson Middle School flutist Jasmine Wong-Fortunato. Jasmine will be accompanied by Mary Law on harp.
The band will perform marches, music from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” a Paul Simon medley and other pieces.
The band said the event is the “perfect way for everyone — and, especially children and members of the Armed Forces (veterans and active members alike) — to enjoy their Sunday afternoon.”
Under the direction of Richard Doede, the ensemble provides free musical entertainment to the Carson City area. It relies on donations to pay for music, the use of concert venues and other expenses, and thanks the community for its support over the years. The band’s next performance will be at 3 p.m. May 20 at Western Nevada College.
For information, call Doede at 775-883-2219, or go to http://cccb.weebly.com.