Is This You? Beginning at the beginning

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Beginnings are exciting. Unless, of course, it’s the beginning of the end. But I’ve skipped to the end. Let’s start at the beginning shall we? Again, beginnings are exciting. The beginning of life, whenever you believe that is, might just be the most exciting beginning of all beginnings.

Of course the beginning of school isn’t nearly as exciting as the beginning of summer. I for one would choose summer every time. How about the beginning of a meal — with grace said, let the gobble fest begin.

Beginnings of letters from someone, even someone you haven’t met, are exciting. If you take the time to write a letter to someone, trust me here, the one someone you write to will be excited to begin reading your letter. I always am. Reading and re-reading letters can be a great beginning to a day. But you have to send ’em to get ’em.

Beginnings of projects. Beginning a new job and then beginning retirement, both new, exciting and full of adventure. The exciting unknown. Beginning to plan vacations are some of the best beginnings in my opinion. Where and when but hopefully not to worry about the how much — I mean, come on! It’s a vacation! All bets are off at the beginning stages of vacation planning.

Oh, how about the beginning of a garden? I have this little cross-stitch thingy I made years ago hanging on the wall in a funky frame that reads, “Who plants a seed beneath the sod and waits to see believes in God.” The beginning of a garden starts a trust relationship that grows daily. Of course it also is the beginning of watering, weeding, dead bug cleanup, et al. I mean, it’s a garden after all. That’s why I don’t do a garden, I do perennial flowers. They come up year after year and all I have to do is wait and enjoy the show. All while I enjoy a cool summer salad made with veggies I buy at the grocery store! Crunchy.

You might think beginning a diet isn’t such a good beginning. But look at it this way, it’s the beginning of a new you. I’ve heard people say, “Eat to live, don’t live to eat.” That’s probably good advice, but (yes, another but) but it’s usually said by someone who’s “regular” sized, not super-sized. And they probably have never eaten their way through a big ol’ pan of tacos at my house, known by my family as “Trina Tacos.” Now there’s a meal to live to eat!

There are tough beginnings. Like opening a new roll of plastic wrap. Digging at the end with your fingernail to begin using that clinging, often infuriating, stuff can sometimes bring about the beginnings of some tight-lipped wording. Of course, a new roll of several items can cause the same stir — tape, toilet paper, paper towels. Same applies to old rolls. You’re remembering that roll of tape that was old and in the back of the drawer and you really needed a piece of tape and that roll just wouldn’t give up an inch without tearing into strips along its edge as you picked and dug at the ends, aren’t you? We have all begun that fight at one time or another. So don’t even begin to think you’re alone! Ah, another beginning, funny how that worked out, huh?

Beginnings of relationships and friendships can be tricky, but that should not ever stop you from beginning one. I’ve said it over and over and over again, “Life is too short to be by yourself,” and I do believe that. So even if there’s a risk of an end, don’t let that stop a beginning. After all, everything ends, even a bowl of ice cream comes to an end. But if you’re really lucky, you’ll always have someone close to refill your bowl. So fill ’er up when life knocks.

Now, let’s begin.

Trina lives in Eureka, Nevada. Share with her at Really!


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