2018 Primary Election guide: Nevada Lt. Governor

Michael Roberson

Michael Roberson

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Editor’s note: For the 2018 primary election guide candidates were asked for picture, address, occupation, age, contact information. record of service in under 200 words, eduction information a 200-word statement on their platform and to answer what is one issue affecting the lives of Northern Nevadans that you would work to fix (500 word limit).


Kate Marshall

Address: PO Box 40944 Reno, Nevada 89504

Occupation: Legal Consultant

Age: 58

Contact Information: kate@katefornevada.com; www.katefornevada.com

Record of Service: Served as the Deputy Attorney General under Frankie Sue del Papa and two-term State Treasurer (2006-2014)

Education: Graduated from the University of California-Berkley for both undergraduate and law school.

Platform: As the former state Treasurer, I took on Wall Street and won. I rid my office of no bid contracts, saving taxpayers thousands of dollars, and invested in education creating the College Kick-Start Program, which gives every kindergartner in public school in Nevada $50 in a college savings account without using taxpayer money. I’m running for Lieutenant Governor to ensure that our economy works for Nevadans — because frankly even as our economy has grown, the middle class has gotten smaller and smaller. Nevadans deserve good paying jobs, the ability to see a doctor without breaking the bank, and the opportunity to get a quality education here in Nevada. As the daughter of a teamster and the first in my family to go to college, I grew up believing in the American dream. I am running for Lt. Gov. to fight for an economy that puts the American dream squarely back within reach for Nevada’s hardworking families.

What is one issue affecting the lives of Northern Nevadans that you would work to fix?

No matter where I am in Northern Nevada, people inevitably express concern about our education, traffic, and housing needs. The office of the Lieutenant Governor predominantly serves as an economic development officer of the State and sits on the state board of transportation. Being the first in my family to go to college, I understand the impact a quality education has. That’s why as Treasurer, I started the College Kick Start Program. Ensuring that our schools are funded and our teachers and professional support staff are well paid, not only benefits our children but makes Nevada more attractive to businesses who want to move here. As a member of the state board of transportation, I will work to ensure that transportation needs throughout the state are addressed in a fair and equitable manner and that we access all the federal monies we are allotted for our roads. With respect to housing, I will also work to ensure we access all the federal tax credits that are allotted to Nevada and that we support the building of homes that are affordable for Nevada families. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention jobs. As an economic development officer for the state, I believe it is important to ensure Nevadans have access to good paying jobs. We can and have done a good job attracting new businesses and companies to Nevada through targeted incentives. Moving forward, I hope that we can be more strategic in how we offer those incentives to ensure that the quality of jobs being brought into the state serves hardworking Nevadans.

Editor’s Note: Laurie L. Hansen didn’t respond to the questionnaire.


Brent Jones

Address: 4497 Via Bianca Avenue, Las Vegas Nevada, 89141

Occupation: Nevada Business Owner – Real Water, Real Mixed Martial Arts, and the Real Chamber of Commerce.

Age: 54

Contact Information: VoteBrentJones.com; VoteBrentJones@gmail.com; Facebook: @VoteBrentJones

Record of Service: Former Nevada Assemblyman - District 35, Attorney, Business owner.

Education: Brent graduated from California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance and Real Estate, followed by attending and graduating from Pepperdine University School of Law with a Juris Doctorate.

Platform: As a business owner, I know how excessive regulation and taxation adversely affects business success and job creation. Further, I understand how an uneducated workforce results in additional challenges, both from an employee and employer point of view. Because of this firsthand experience, I believe I must help improve our business environment, through less government, less regulation and lower taxes. Further, we must improve our school system. I do NOT believe that the public school system can be corrected as is by just throwing more money at it. We need school choice, such as funding the Educational Savings Accounts (ESA) and we need to remove Common Core from our school’s curriculum. Since all Republican candidates make similar statements, integrity is of utmost importance. When I was an Assemblyman, I did vote as promised and received a very high rating from NPRI. I am not funded by lobbyist, so I am not beholden to their mandates. I have and will stay true to our Republican principles.

What is one issue affecting the lives of Northern Nevadans that you would work to fix?

Keeping government out of our lives whether it be State or Federal government overreach. Our country became the greatest and most prosperous nation in the history of all mankind based on one overriding principle. “The best government is that which governs least.” ~ Thomas Jefferson. As a state, we must not allow the socialistic beliefs, laws, and ideals of California and liberal Federal activists overtake our great state.

In so many ways during recent years, we have witnessed the encroachment of big liberal government. For example:

1.) The Bundy’s were thrown in jail for grazing their cattle on public land, as their family had done for nearly 100 years.

2.) Our schools are indoctrinating socialistic dogma, such as young children can choose their “gender,” and biological boys can go into girl’s bathrooms if they want to. That liberal philosophy is being emphasized instead of actually teaching our children how to read, write and do math.

3.) Trying to take away water rights that have been vested with landowners for hundreds of years.

4.) Closing off Federal land to outdoor enthusiasts.

5.) Excessive regulation that limits business development.

6.) Passing the largest tax increase in our State’s history — the Commerce Tax.

7.) Attacks on our Second Amendment right to bear arms. This list is long and could continue for quite some time.

That being said, there is one solution that fixes it all, limited government! That is the central principle of the Republican party, and I believe that fundamental principle is what makes Nevada great. Individuals should have the right to personal freedom of choice (as-long-as we do not injure or harm others). Nevada has been a great example of this principle; we have gambling, legal prostitution, open carry and have had a relatively limited government, no State income tax, etc. We need to fight to maintain our limited government independence.

Unfortunately, Las Vegas is importing liberals at a ferocious pace, and they are spreading and promoting the socialist agenda as fast as they can. Big government control is their solution to everything. If we are to stop their efforts and maintain our true Nevada character, we must get active now. This election cycle is the “tipping point.” If we do not get active, get out the vote, make ourselves heard, educate the uninformed with truth and logic, do all the things necessary to maintain a legislative environment of limited government and personal responsibility, I fear that we will become a permanent Blue state. We will lose to the Democrats and become “Sanctuary California East.”

That, I believe is the most important issue to Northern Nevada, and we must NOT allow it to happen.

Michael Roberson

Address: 476 Mission Springs St., Henderson, NV 89052

Occupation: Business Attorney

Age: 47

Contact Information: michael@votemichaelroberson.com; votemichaelroberson.com; Twitter: @RobersonForNevada; Facebook: @RobersonForNevada

Education: Bachelor’s degree in 1993 from University of Kansas; Juris Doctorate in 1996 from University of Kansas School of Law

Record of Service: I have served in the Nevada State Senate since 2010 and as Senate Republican Leader since 2012. I have served as Chair of the Nevada Legislative Commission and as a Commissioner with the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws. I have also served on the Spring Valley Hospital’s Board of Governors and the Advisory Board of Advanced Technologies Academy (a national award-winning Career and Technology High School). As a legislator, I have received an Award for Conservative Achievement by the American Conservative Union, an A+ rating from the Nevada Firearms Coalition and was named a Champion of Small Business by the National Coalition for Capital. I am rated by the Nevada Policy Research Institute as the 2nd most conservative member of the Nevada Senate in 2017. I am the author and sponsor of Marsy’s Law, which is a constitutional amendment to provide increased rights to the victims of crime. I also authored and sponsored the first total lobbyist gift ban in state history. Finally, I am Honorary Chair of the Prevent Sanctuary Cities Initiative, which is a ballot initiative to prevent the legislature or any local government from passing sanctuary cities policies in the state of Nevada.

Platform: As Lieutenant Governor, I will work side-by-side with Governor Adam Laxalt to make sure Nevada continues to be a safe, family-friendly and pro-business place to call home. I’m the only candidate in this race with relevant, qualifying experience running for Lieutenant Governor. I have served as the leader of the Republican Caucus in the Nevada Senate for three sessions, having been unanimously selected by my colleagues each time. As Lieutenant Governor, I will have the opportunity to preside over the Senate and influence economic development projects in the state, just as I did with the important Tesla project. I will need no on-the-job training in these roles because of my experience as Senate Republican Leader. That’s why I have been endorsed by 5 current and former Republican Lieutenant Governors of Nevada (Mark Hutchison, Brian Krolicki, Lorraine Hunt-Bono, Lonnie Hammargren and Bob Cashell), as well as Nevada’s current Attorney General and next Governor, Adam Laxalt. They’re all supporting me because I’ve been at the center of the major economic development improvements made in the state for the better part of the last decade and I’m honored to have the support of the people who know what the job takes.

What is one issue affecting the lives of Northern Nevadans that you would work to fix?

There are many issues affecting the lives of Northern Nevadans, which we must address. We are blessed to live in a pro-business and pro-economic development state that can proudly boast the fifth-lowest business taxes and the eighth-lowest property taxes in the entire country and we are currently Number 1 in the country in job growth. We’ve come a long way since the days of the Great Recession, but we can do more. We must improve our education system here in Nevada and continue to advance proven reforms with increased accountability. I am a leader in the school choice movement in Nevada and I am proud that we have passed Education Savings Accounts and Opportunity Scholarships. We must continue to fight to fully-fund both these programs so that children and their families can choose the school that best fits their needs.

One issue in particular that I would like to address is public safety and the issue of sanctuary cities. In 2017, Democrats in the state legislature attempted to pass a law which would have turned Nevada into a sanctuary state. I was proud to lead the fight to stop this. However, Democrats have already promised to try again in 2019. That’s why I am the Honorary Chair of the Prevent Sanctuary Cities Initiative, which is a ballot initiative to stop any efforts to turn our state into an unsafe haven for dangerous criminal aliens. I am also deeply concerned about attempts by liberal Democrats to undercut our 2nd amendment rights. I was proud to sponsor and pass the most significant expansion of our 2nd amendment rights in state history. I am the only candidate in this race to receive an A+ rating from the Nevada Firearms Coalition. Finally, we must do more to protect victims of crime. I am the author and sponsor of Marsy’s Law, which is a constitutional amendment to increase rights for victims of crime.

We also must root out corruption in our government and work to minimize the influence of special interests. I sponsored and passed the first total lobbyist gift ban in state history. This landmark legislation ended the practice of special interest lobbyists wining and dining state legislators. Now, lobbyists are prohibited from buying a legislator anything, even a cup of coffee or a bottle of water. That was an important step in draining the swamp but there is more we must do to ensure that regular Nevadans receive the representation in government that they deserve.

Finally, I want to address the importance of families and the sanctity of life here in Nevada. In the legislature, I sponsored a Parental Notification bill and I am proud to be the only candidate in this race to be endorsed by Nevada Right to Life. Unfortunately, the Democrat candidates for Governor want to force taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood at the state level in Nevada for the first time. This is unacceptable and as Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate, I will fight to stop this.

Editor’s Note: Eugene Hoover, Scot anthony LaFata and Gary Anthony Meyers didn’t respond to the questionnaire.

Independent American

Janine Hansen

Address: 186 Ryndon Unit 12, Elko, Nevada 89801

Occupation: State President Nevada Families for Freedom

Age: 67

Contact Information: www.janinehansen.com; Janine@janinehansen.com; 775-397-6859

Record of Service: I am a wife, a mother of four children and a grandmother of 15. I have spent my entire adult life as a volunteer citizen advocate representing families and taxpayers at the Nevada Legislature, working full-time during every Legislature Session since 1991. Parents, families and taxpayers go unrepresented at the Legislature. I have provided that independent voice. For many years I have conducted Citizen Lobbyist Workshops around the state, teaching citizens how to influence the Legislature from their own homes. I have served in many callings in my church including in the women’s Relief Society, teaching children and adults, and directing congregational music and choirs. I serve as the Executive Director of the Independent American Party and as the Western States Co-Chaiman of the national Constitution Party, the national affiliate of the Independent American Party. I served as the petition chairman for 16 counties for the Protection of Marriage and for the Axe the Tax Petition Campaign. I am currently the National Constitutional Issues Chairman for Eagle Forum. I am the Editor of the Nevada Families for Freedom Newsletter published every month since 1974 which covers state and national issues including the Nevada Legislature and Legislators’ voting records.

Education: I graduated from Sparks High School, attended UNR and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. from Brigham Young University.

Platform: Repeal the Commerce Tax: In 2015 the Republicans passed the Largest Tax increase in Nevada history harming businesses and families. Oppose the proposed Constitutional Amendment to raise property taxes. SJR14 which passed the Legislature in 2017 will be voted on again at the 2019 Legislature. The potential impacts for families and businesses will be devastating. It is critical we achieve excellence in education in order for businesses and families to thrive. We must repeal Common Core and implement quality education with world class standards for academic success. Nevada ranks 49th among the states in education. Nevada needs a well educated workforce in order to attract businesses with higher paying jobs. We must institute Choice in education to increase academic achievement and lower the costs of education. Protect Nevada Taxpayers, businesses and families, from the tax-burden of illegal immigration. According to the Center for Immigration Studies 62 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants used one or more welfare programs. The Federation for Immigration Reform estimates that the annual fiscal burden on Nevada taxpayers associated with illegal immigration is about $630 million equating to an average annual cost of about $763 per native-born headed household in the State.

What is one issue affecting the lives of Northern Nevadans that you would work to fix?

Because historically Nevada has been a low tax state, we have attracted businesses which create jobs to support families. We must regain our low tax state status and oppose future business killing taxes which harm families. If you build a business friendly state ... they will come. In the last 15 years the Nevada Legislature has significantly raised taxes. Now they are on track to triple our property taxes. More government built with your tax dollars will not make Nevada a better place.

SJR14 is a proposed Constitutional Amendment to change the way property taxes are assessed in Nevada. It passed the 2017 Legislature. It would need to pass the 2019 Legislature and then go on the ballot in 2020.

The following information is from Michael E. Clark, Current Washoe County Assessor:

“SJR 14 removes the property tax abatement and all depreciation for the first fiscal year after the sale of the property.”

“Examples of Potential Impact” are Devastating!”

“The property tax bill for a 1,200 square foot home built in 1964 in Old Northwest Reno would increase from $677 per year ($56 per month) to $2,264 the first year after the sale. This results in a $133 increase per month.”

“A 3,900 square foot home built in 1991 in Juniper Trails with a current tax bill of $8,344 per year would increase to $13,699 resulting in a $446 increases to the buyer’s monthly payments.”

As you can see, SJR14 requires that property taxes reset at a much higher rate, more than doubling or tripling, each time a home or business property is sold. If you plan to stay in your home until you die you might not care ... except ... your friends, neighbors, family, children and grandchildren will have much less to spend on food, clothing, health care, transportation, and housing, pushing more Nevadans into poverty. If you have a business, your customers will have less to spend. If you work for a business its customers will have less to spend so you may not get a raise or keep your job. This will impoverish Nevadans! It is imperative that we defeat this egregious plan to triple our property taxes.

In addition to the issues I have already mentioned, I support the individual right to keep and bear arms which is under attack. When we have more law abiding citizens with guns we have less crime. Our freedoms of religion and speech are under assault by those who embrace “political correctness.” I support the right to be born, traditional marriage, choice in education, and freedom of choice in health care. I support the platform of the Independent American Party, www.iapn.org. As Ronald Reagan said, “Government is not the answer. It is the problem.” If Nevadans are to prosper, we must make Nevada a business and family friendly state again.


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