Letters to the Editor for Feb. 13, 2019

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Carson City, please make clearing sidewalks a priority

I’m ashamed to see so many sidewalks not shoveled after the recent snowstorms. As I write this, another series of storms are expected tonight.

I’ve witnessed two seniors with front-wheeled walkers attempting to maneuver icy snow to access crosswalks safely. One gentleman was actually stuck on the snow and couldn’t move his walker. I was one of three cars that stopped for this pedestrian, the heroine being the woman in the car closest to him who got out of her car and assisted him to the crosswalk and he was able to cross safely (thank you, good Samaritan!).

The other was in the crosswalk (in the traffic lane) trying to cross to the east against the red while traffic in the north/south direction had the green. One driver actually honked when we stopped for him. He turned his walker sideways so traffic could proceed.

Just drive down Carson Street and look at each block, only a few have actually done the required clearing of the sidewalks.

I’m seeing people walking in the street on Carson Street since the sidewalks are so dangerous.

Carson City has many pedestrians, even in bad weather.

Businesses and property owners, please have your sidewalks cleared for our pedestrians’ safety?

Thank you!

Lisa Partee

Carson City

Ask legislators to support bills regarding fiscal responsibility

In the House of Representatives are HR24, a bill to audit the Federal Reserve Bank, and HR25, a bill to end the IRS.

Either, or both, should end the Federal Reserve and their debt and death monetary paradigm, and if we ever hope to achieve fiscal responsibility in this country, this needs to happen.

Also in the house is HR899, a bill to end the DOE and put the future of our children back into our hands, where it belongs.

I encourage you to contact your representatives and ask them to support these bills, as I have.

William Jones

Carson City

Comic strip writer demonstrates media, Hollywood bias

It’s a shame that the Nevada Appeal continues to run Garry Trudeau’s anti-Trump “comic” strip in the Saturday/Sunday newspaper. What he’s doing is disgusting and definitely not comical. It is, however, another prime example of the blatant bias being shown by the news media, social media and, of course, Hollywood.

Betty Ann Estes

Carson City

Earth Day celebration welcomes Bee City Committee events

A very exciting article was published in the Nevada Appeal on Feb. 6 written by JoAnne Skelly, “In the Garden.” The first Bee City Committee in Nevada wishes to thank her most sincerely.

The first Bee City was created in 2012 by the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Nationwide, the concern for the survival of our pollinators has grown very quickly. Our high desert gardening is being put to the challenge.

Earth Day — April 22 worldwide — will be celebrate on April 28 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. here in Carson City at the Roberts House. The Historical Society kindly offered their facility for the event, an educational event with exhibitors talking about their efforts to support our pollinators, plants, shrubs, trees and the habitat around us all.

Other events are Farm Days at Fuji Park in April, Pollinator Week in June and Library Exhibit the month of July. More information will be advertised nearer the event dates. The Great Basin Bee Keepers of Northern Nevada are involved with all the activities and if you wish to join the cause, go online to www.greatbasinbeekeepersofnevada.org.

I wish to thank everyone for their interest, concern and involvement.

Gillian A. Mellor, chair, Bee City USA #76

Carson City

Democratic Party?

Republican Donald Trump won the election. Clinton lost. Pelosi-Schumer and the likes won and are in control. About 100 women are in the House now from different nations under Pelosi’s control. She even tells them how to dress and what else. These women told their people back home one thing to get elected. Now watch out. Hatred will spread. Pelosi will see to that. If, and I say if, Democrats win 2020, they will build the wall and claim it to be theirs and we will be overrun with open borders and we the taxpayers will have to spend the rest of the world coming in for free everything as we are doing now to hundreds coming in now.

No wonder our veterans are homeless — dumpster diving — from the lack of medical care and freezing during the winter cold, sleeping outside during the rain and snow. Some places take some in at night to sleep but kick them out at 6 a.m. when it is 6 to 10 outside and colder or even raining or snowing.

By the way, Chuck Schumer’s speech back in 2009 — flip-flop.

Ralph Newcomb

Carson City


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