Past Pages for August 19 to 21, 2020

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150 years ago

Early Ripened Corn. — We have in the office specimens of flint corn, raised from seed planted the middle of last May. The corn is fully ripened and dry, and was grown by the writer of this item in a garden in the northwest part of town. These facts may not be very remarkable, but they are good evidence that like kinds of corn may be successfully and profitably raised in this Vally in defiance of latest Spring and early Fall frosts.

140 years ago

Arthur McEwan, editor of the Chronicle, passed through Carson last evening, from Lake Bigler (Tahoe). He has spend a week fishing at Yanks, and the outrageous yarns he tells about his luck would disgrace the columns of a religious newspaper.

130 years ago

T. B. Rickey, who recently returned from a two month’s trip through the Eastern part of the State, has this to say about the situation: “Stockmen are just beginning to realize the extent of their losses. Parkinson, of the Lane & Cattle Company, hit the estimate nearer than anyone. He figured the losses at 95 percent and the certainly reach that. In Humboldt county in one of the ravines, he saw heaps of cattle for three miles. They were piled up as many as three or four hundred in a bunch. “It makes one’s heart sink to think of the sufferings of those poor beasts.”

120 years ago

A few months ago the people of this vicinity had a financial scare, and all kinds of rumors floated through the air. A number of people packed their goods and moved to other localities, while not a few tried to do so. The scare seems to be over and every businessman in this city will state that times are better.

100 years ago

After crawling eight miles on his hands and knees, which took him twenty-two hours, the will power that saved his life urged Harry C. Stimler to keep on and the last half mile required sixteen hours, and he fell unconscious 200 yards from the place where his son Gerald had an automobile waiting in the north end of Death Valley. Two men took canteens of water, leaving the younger Stimler with the car.


150 years ago

On the Capital Building workers are engaged in arching the second story windows.

140 years ago

Won the Old Hat — It has long been the custom of Bosko to donate a plug hat to the Carson Guards to shoot for on Sunday. Last Sunday there was a hat ready for the highest individual score and it was won by Judge Beatty, whose nerves were rendered so steady after the Convention that he made six straight bullseyes and scored 45.

130 years ag.

The Appeal opens its thanks bureau to Messers Geo. Cowing ad Pete Gordon for an excellent basket of fresh trout.

120 years ago

Indian Cereal For some time past the Indians in and around Carson have put in their time gathering a small seed that they call “Indian Flower.” The seed grows on a week about a foot high, and although the bush is rather scrubby in appearance, it contains many pods of seed.

100 years ago

Construction work on the new court house has reached a point where the cornerstone may be laid. Though no ceremonies will be held, Contractor Sellman will drop the stone into place next Monday afternoon.


150 years ago

State Mineralologist Poisoned. — On Wednesday last, Rev. A.F. White, our efficient and energetic State Mineralologist, came near closing his studies of the pre-pliocene periods and settling up his accounts with earthly things. He was going over the high mountain from Alpha to this place when he ate some berries which made him deathly sick. He made it back to town. — Silver State.

140 years ago

An Unsavory Fact. — A few years since an ordinance was passed in this city restricting the inhabitants of houses of ill fame to a certain quarter of the town; but it appears that the law is a dead letter, for that class of woman is now carrying on its nefarious trade in many respectable sections of Carson.

130 years ago

Out at Ward, White Pine county some of the boys have been putting counterfeit poker chips on the contribution plate. The Devines fo that section now want cash and nothing else.

120 years ago

The Carson Wheelmen have contracted the construction of a bicycle track at the race track. When finished it will likely be the fastest course on the west coast.

100 years ago

The funeral of the late Daniel J. Muldoon took place yesterday morning and was one of the largest ever held in this city. The services were held at the Catholic Church.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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