#The Churchill County commissioners will meet Thursday at 8:15 a.m. at the Churchill County Administrative Building, Commission Chambers, 155 N. Taylor St., Suite 145.
#The commissioners will consider and/or take action on the following agenda items:
#• Adoption of a proclamation in support of the 2020 Census.
#• Biannual report from the Churchill County Sheriff regarding the conditions of the county jail and any branch county jail and the number of deaths of prisoners in the county jail and any known circumstances surrounding any such deaths, including, without limitation, basic demographics and information submitted pursuant to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013, Public Law 113242, during the immediately preceding six months.
#• Transfer of funds to the Churchill County Road Department for $250,000 for fiscal year 2020 Road and Bridge projects for the second quarter.
#• Approval of a Sending Site Application filed by Fred and Jan Buckmaster for properties located at 1640 and 1700 Drumm Lane and on Testolin Road, APNs 00677106, 006771 07 and 00677159, consisting of 52.25 acres, including 38.56 irrigated water right acres, in the A10 land use district to record a conservation easement on the property.
#• Approval of a Sending Site Application filed by Peter and Cathy Weber for property located on Pasture Road, APN 00685180, consisting of 91.44 acres, with no water rights, in the A10 land use district to record a conservation easement on the property.
#Commissioners took action in February on the following agenda items:
#Ken Collum of the Bureau of Land Management's Stillwater Field Office, Carson City District gave his monthly report to commissioners. He said the Bell Mountain project is open for public comments. He said the BLM will be taking comments on grazing in late summer. An environmental assessment for Comstock Exploration in northern Dixie Valley was initiated in early March. Collum also said Tungsten Geothermal has completed its first phase of solar installation.
#Executive Director Gabriela Negrete of Churchill Animal Protection Society updated commissioners. Currently CAPS employs five workers and also relies on volunteers from the military, Junior ROTC at Churchill County High School and the Boy Scouts. In 2019, she said 166 volunteers donated 4,494 hours. The board of directors consists of seven members.
#During 2019, Negrete said CAPS placed 171 cats and dogs. During the year CAPS also depends on donations and fundraisers, but Negrete said additional funds are needed for repairs.
#Commissioner Bus Scharmann commended Negrete for her report and the dedication of volunteers. CAPS is also requesting $20,000 for the next fiscal year. Commissioners won't commit to a final amount until the budget is finalized.
#• Approved vehicles in the sheriff's tow yard as surplus property and authorizing the disposal of said property in any manner.
#• Approved a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Contract to receive a State of Nevada Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Principal Forgiveness Loan of $100,000 to fund a Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Review analyzing a redundant drinking water source for the Pine Grove Water System.
#• Approved an agreement for auctioneering services with Baxtin Inc., to conduct an auction for a period until Dec. 30, 2021, with an option to renew for two additional years, at a cost of 15% of the items auctioned, which will be deducted from the gross sales receipt at auction.
#• Approved a request submitted by Fifteen Lots Soda Lake LLC for an extension of time for submittal of a parcel map pursuant to Bill 2010A, Ordinance 103, appurtenant to the tentative map for APN 00853201 & 00817692.
#• Authorized reimbursement to the Road Fund for expenditures related to construction of a dirt berm at county owned property near Harmon Road for $4,971.73.
#• Announced funding for $10,000 for the Fallon Youth Club for $10,000, Domestic Violence for $4,000 and the Churchill Arts Council, $8,000 will not be announced until the final budget is finalized.
#• Approved Sending Site Application filed by Denver Nygren for property located at 6575 & 6675 Mission Road.
#•Appointed Myles Getto to the Planning Commission to fill an unexpired term through Feb. 28, 2023.
#•Approved a Water Banking Agreement with TOT, LLC, Haneva, LLC, and Fallon Haneva, LLC which seeks to bank approximately 2,800 acre feet of underground water with the county to support future development.
#•Adopted Resolution 022020 authorizing the clerk/treasurer to sell property held in trust because of unpaid taxes, directing publication of the Notice of the Tax Sale as provided in statutes.
#• Approved an agreement for purchase of a Conservation/Restrictive Use Easement for Kylie Thurston Amos and E & C Schank Properties, LLC.
#• Approved Professional Services Agreement with Lumos & Associates to conduct work on a Preliminary Engineering Report to support a grant application for funds to construct and make improvements on a road and bridge project in the area of Moody and Wade lanes and authorized to use Road Impact Fees as the funding source for the agreement for $70,400.
-->The Churchill County commissioners will meet Thursday at 8:15 a.m. at the Churchill County Administrative Building, Commission Chambers, 155 N. Taylor St., Suite 145.
The commissioners will consider and/or take action on the following agenda items:
• Adoption of a proclamation in support of the 2020 Census.
• Biannual report from the Churchill County Sheriff regarding the conditions of the county jail and any branch county jail and the number of deaths of prisoners in the county jail and any known circumstances surrounding any such deaths, including, without limitation, basic demographics and information submitted pursuant to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013, Public Law 113242, during the immediately preceding six months.
• Transfer of funds to the Churchill County Road Department for $250,000 for fiscal year 2020 Road and Bridge projects for the second quarter.
• Approval of a Sending Site Application filed by Fred and Jan Buckmaster for properties located at 1640 and 1700 Drumm Lane and on Testolin Road, APNs 00677106, 006771 07 and 00677159, consisting of 52.25 acres, including 38.56 irrigated water right acres, in the A10 land use district to record a conservation easement on the property.
• Approval of a Sending Site Application filed by Peter and Cathy Weber for property located on Pasture Road, APN 00685180, consisting of 91.44 acres, with no water rights, in the A10 land use district to record a conservation easement on the property.
Commissioners took action in February on the following agenda items:
Ken Collum of the Bureau of Land Management's Stillwater Field Office, Carson City District gave his monthly report to commissioners. He said the Bell Mountain project is open for public comments. He said the BLM will be taking comments on grazing in late summer. An environmental assessment for Comstock Exploration in northern Dixie Valley was initiated in early March. Collum also said Tungsten Geothermal has completed its first phase of solar installation.
Executive Director Gabriela Negrete of Churchill Animal Protection Society updated commissioners. Currently CAPS employs five workers and also relies on volunteers from the military, Junior ROTC at Churchill County High School and the Boy Scouts. In 2019, she said 166 volunteers donated 4,494 hours. The board of directors consists of seven members.
During 2019, Negrete said CAPS placed 171 cats and dogs. During the year CAPS also depends on donations and fundraisers, but Negrete said additional funds are needed for repairs.
Commissioner Bus Scharmann commended Negrete for her report and the dedication of volunteers. CAPS is also requesting $20,000 for the next fiscal year. Commissioners won't commit to a final amount until the budget is finalized.
• Approved vehicles in the sheriff's tow yard as surplus property and authorizing the disposal of said property in any manner.
• Approved a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Contract to receive a State of Nevada Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Principal Forgiveness Loan of $100,000 to fund a Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Review analyzing a redundant drinking water source for the Pine Grove Water System.
• Approved an agreement for auctioneering services with Baxtin Inc., to conduct an auction for a period until Dec. 30, 2021, with an option to renew for two additional years, at a cost of 15% of the items auctioned, which will be deducted from the gross sales receipt at auction.
• Approved a request submitted by Fifteen Lots Soda Lake LLC for an extension of time for submittal of a parcel map pursuant to Bill 2010A, Ordinance 103, appurtenant to the tentative map for APN 00853201 & 00817692.
• Authorized reimbursement to the Road Fund for expenditures related to construction of a dirt berm at county owned property near Harmon Road for $4,971.73.
• Announced funding for $10,000 for the Fallon Youth Club for $10,000, Domestic Violence for $4,000 and the Churchill Arts Council, $8,000 will not be announced until the final budget is finalized.
• Approved Sending Site Application filed by Denver Nygren for property located at 6575 & 6675 Mission Road.
•Appointed Myles Getto to the Planning Commission to fill an unexpired term through Feb. 28, 2023.
•Approved a Water Banking Agreement with TOT, LLC, Haneva, LLC, and Fallon Haneva, LLC which seeks to bank approximately 2,800 acre feet of underground water with the county to support future development.
•Adopted Resolution 022020 authorizing the clerk/treasurer to sell property held in trust because of unpaid taxes, directing publication of the Notice of the Tax Sale as provided in statutes.
• Approved an agreement for purchase of a Conservation/Restrictive Use Easement for Kylie Thurston Amos and E & C Schank Properties, LLC.
• Approved Professional Services Agreement with Lumos & Associates to conduct work on a Preliminary Engineering Report to support a grant application for funds to construct and make improvements on a road and bridge project in the area of Moody and Wade lanes and authorized to use Road Impact Fees as the funding source for the agreement for $70,400.