#The Salvation Army serving Carson City and Douglas County is in need of turkeys for families in need.
Each year hundreds of needy families depend on The Army for their Thanksgiving Dinner. The Salvation Army will be taking turkey donations at MAX Casino, 900 S. Carson St., from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20.
The Turkey Drop will be broadcast live on K-Bull 98.1 FM and KOH 780 am! The Salvation Army will accept turkeys, nonperishables and monetary gifts, so go see them and bring a bird to help feed those in need this Thanksgiving. Dead and frozen turkeys only.
If you would like to donate to the Turkey Drop ahead of time, please feel free to send your gift to 911 E. 2nd St. Carson City, NV. 89701 or drop by our office at the same address or you may also make a gift online at CarsonTurkeyDrop.org
The Salvation Army serving Carson City and Douglas County is in need of turkeys for families in need.
Each year hundreds of needy families depend on The Army for their Thanksgiving Dinner. The Salvation Army will be taking turkey donations at MAX Casino, 900 S. Carson St., from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20.
The Turkey Drop will be broadcast live on K-Bull 98.1 FM and KOH 780 am! The Salvation Army will accept turkeys, nonperishables and monetary gifts, so go see them and bring a bird to help feed those in need this Thanksgiving. Dead and frozen turkeys only.
If you would like to donate to the Turkey Drop ahead of time, please feel free to send your gift to 911 E. 2nd St. Carson City, NV. 89701 or drop by our office at the same address or you may also make a gift online at CarsonTurkeyDrop.org