#Applicants to Western Nevada College’s Nursing program can choose from four upcoming dates to take the required entrance exam.
#The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam dates include December and January testing options and more will be provided after the new year arrives:
#• Dec. 4
#• Dec. 11
#• Jan. 8
#• Jan. 22
#The Dec. 4 and 11 testing dates are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Reynolds Center 105, while the Jan. 8 and 22 testing dates are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Cedar Building 320D. Please check in at 8:30 a.m.
#Students must have completed the entrance exam in fall 2020 or finish it during spring semester to be considered for admissions into the Fall 2021 Nursing program.
#Students must complete the entrance exam in Fall 2020 or finish it during spring semester to be considered for admission into the Fall 2021 Nursing program.
#For more information, contact the Nursing and Allied Health office at 775-445-4425 or email nursing.alliedhealth@wnc.edu.
Virtual Team Trivia Night Challenges Families’ Holiday Knowledge on Dec. 10
#How many sizes does the Grinch’s heart grow “In the Grinch Who Stole Christmas?”
#Join other families from Northern Nevada on Thursday, Dec. 10 as they test their holiday trivia knowledge in a Virtual Team Trivia Night Challenge from the comfort of their living room.
#Prizes will be awarded to the top two teams. Come up short in the team contest, you can still win raffle prizes and enjoy the interaction with other families in the region — all while staying at home to protect Nevada.
#Proceeds will benefit WNC’s emergency fund, which allows WNC Foundation to help students and faculty who are facing challenges brought on by measures taken to stop the spread of COVID-19.
#Your host for the evening will be Nevada System of Higher Education Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges Nate Mackinnon, who will entertain and challenge your team to come up with answers to questions. By the way, he might even tell you that the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes when he learned the true meaning of Christmas.
#All ages are welcome in this family-oriented contest! The cost is $30 per team; $50 for a team and 20 raffle tickets; $100 for a team and 30 raffle tickets along with WNC winter beanies; or $350 for a team, 50 raffle tickets, eight WNC beanies, eight drink tumblers and a recognition letter and appreciation certificate from WNC President Dr. Vincent Solis.
#Sold separately, raffle tickets are $5 and WNC beanies are $20.
#Only 30 teams can participate so sign up today. On the night of the contest you will be able to join the contest via phone, laptop or iPad using Zoom technology. Instructions will be sent to you following registration.
#To enter, email Foundation@wnc.edu, call 775-445-3239 or go to the website at wnc.edu/holiday-trivia-contest.
Register Now for Winter, Spring Classes
#Back by popular demand at Western Nevada College is winter session.
#After launching last December, students will again have the opportunity to not only earn college credits quicker but to catch up or get ahead in their areas of study.
#Winter classes are offered online and start either Dec. 21 or Jan. 4 and conclude on Jan. 22. Choose between Art, Biology, Education, English, Mathematics, Environmental Science, History, Social Work, Management Philosophy, Sociology and more for these accelerated classes that span 3 to 5 weeks.
#For those waiting for spring semester, it commences on Jan. 25 and WNC is planning to offer a mix of in-person and online classes.
#View classes offered for winter and spring at wnc.edu/class-schedule/.
#Registration for winter and spring is underway for returning, continuing and new students. If you are new to WNC, apply for admission and take care of other preregistration requirements at wnc.edu/starthere/.
Classified Council Has Sweet Way to Raise Money
#In place of Western Nevada College's Classified Council not being able to present its annual Halloween Bake Sale last month, it is holding a Holiday Fundraiser with See's Candies.
#Place your order by Dec. 4 to help the Classified Council reach its fundraising goal.
#Access a link to the Classified Council's storefront from a story on the college website at wnc.edu/classified-fundraiser/.
-->Applicants to Western Nevada College’s Nursing program can choose from four upcoming dates to take the required entrance exam.
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam dates include December and January testing options and more will be provided after the new year arrives:
• Dec. 4
• Dec. 11
• Jan. 8
• Jan. 22
The Dec. 4 and 11 testing dates are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Reynolds Center 105, while the Jan. 8 and 22 testing dates are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Cedar Building 320D. Please check in at 8:30 a.m.
Students must have completed the entrance exam in fall 2020 or finish it during spring semester to be considered for admissions into the Fall 2021 Nursing program.
Students must complete the entrance exam in Fall 2020 or finish it during spring semester to be considered for admission into the Fall 2021 Nursing program.
For more information, contact the Nursing and Allied Health office at 775-445-4425 or email nursing.alliedhealth@wnc.edu.
Virtual Team Trivia Night Challenges Families’ Holiday Knowledge on Dec. 10
How many sizes does the Grinch’s heart grow “In the Grinch Who Stole Christmas?”
Join other families from Northern Nevada on Thursday, Dec. 10 as they test their holiday trivia knowledge in a Virtual Team Trivia Night Challenge from the comfort of their living room.
Prizes will be awarded to the top two teams. Come up short in the team contest, you can still win raffle prizes and enjoy the interaction with other families in the region — all while staying at home to protect Nevada.
Proceeds will benefit WNC’s emergency fund, which allows WNC Foundation to help students and faculty who are facing challenges brought on by measures taken to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Your host for the evening will be Nevada System of Higher Education Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges Nate Mackinnon, who will entertain and challenge your team to come up with answers to questions. By the way, he might even tell you that the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes when he learned the true meaning of Christmas.
All ages are welcome in this family-oriented contest! The cost is $30 per team; $50 for a team and 20 raffle tickets; $100 for a team and 30 raffle tickets along with WNC winter beanies; or $350 for a team, 50 raffle tickets, eight WNC beanies, eight drink tumblers and a recognition letter and appreciation certificate from WNC President Dr. Vincent Solis.
Sold separately, raffle tickets are $5 and WNC beanies are $20.
Only 30 teams can participate so sign up today. On the night of the contest you will be able to join the contest via phone, laptop or iPad using Zoom technology. Instructions will be sent to you following registration.
To enter, email Foundation@wnc.edu, call 775-445-3239 or go to the website at wnc.edu/holiday-trivia-contest.
Register Now for Winter, Spring Classes
Back by popular demand at Western Nevada College is winter session.
After launching last December, students will again have the opportunity to not only earn college credits quicker but to catch up or get ahead in their areas of study.
Winter classes are offered online and start either Dec. 21 or Jan. 4 and conclude on Jan. 22. Choose between Art, Biology, Education, English, Mathematics, Environmental Science, History, Social Work, Management Philosophy, Sociology and more for these accelerated classes that span 3 to 5 weeks.
For those waiting for spring semester, it commences on Jan. 25 and WNC is planning to offer a mix of in-person and online classes.
View classes offered for winter and spring at wnc.edu/class-schedule/.
Registration for winter and spring is underway for returning, continuing and new students. If you are new to WNC, apply for admission and take care of other preregistration requirements at wnc.edu/starthere/.
Classified Council Has Sweet Way to Raise Money
In place of Western Nevada College's Classified Council not being able to present its annual Halloween Bake Sale last month, it is holding a Holiday Fundraiser with See's Candies.
Place your order by Dec. 4 to help the Classified Council reach its fundraising goal.
Access a link to the Classified Council's storefront from a story on the college website at wnc.edu/classified-fundraiser/.