Past Pages for April 3 to 6, 2021

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

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145 years ago
Escaped Planned. — It is reported that Larkin, convicted of murder in the first degree for the shooting of Dan Corcoran, at Virginia on the 4th of last August, received the verdict of the jury with great coolness, The cause may be explained in a discovery made by the jailer on Friday, which was a trap door cut under the bank in his cell. It is thought he intended to leave his cell through the door, crawl to the outer wall, cut or dig through it, and thus effect his escape.
130 years ago
Size of the Whip. In reporting the testimony before the Commissioners of the Orphans Home the Appeal omitted to mention the size of the rawhide used in the whipping of Gray. The boys testified that it was a “big black whip” which fell from a passing wagon. Mr. Mills as rated, and it was corroborated by Miss Harris, that it was a rawhide, not of the large kind, but a riding whip.
120 years ago
The Indians on the Walker Lake Reservation are holding what they call the Messiah dance. it will last five days.
110 years ago
An Odd Sight. The snow which has been accumulating on Mt. Davidson during the past five months was disturbed yesterday by a seeming concentration, on the apex of the mountain, of the north wind, blowing with a force so steady that for some hours during the forenoon, one who was not yearly familiar with the phenomenon, would imagine that the top of the mountain was emitting smoke. So fierce were the efforts of the wind that the slowly particles reached as high as the top of the flag pole and left the peak of the mountain bare and black. — Chronicle.
100 years ago
From progress being made the Kings Canyon road to Glenbrook will be open for travel in the next ten days. This morning a crew went up the road to put in a day on the snow banks and Saturday, weather permitting, a crew of twenty boys from the Indian school will be on the job.
145 years ago
Now is the time to transplant trees. Carson is the leafiest town in the state already, but there is still a chance for a great improvement in the number and variety of trees in our midst.
130 years ago
On Sunday night Officers Stern and Duncan arrested four men from China for smoking opium; the first arrests in this city under the new law.
120 years ago
Now a Felony. It is now a felony to give or sell any spiritus or malt liquors, cider or wine, to any Indian within the State. Persons convicted of doing so will be inked not less than $100 or be imprisoned in the State Prison for a period of not more than three years, or less than one year.
110 years ago
The people who visited Reno to see and listen to see former President Roosevelt all agree it was the most strenuous day this spring. The wind blew and the dust flew, but this did not prevent many thousand people from getting in line.
100 years ago
Watching Cases. Following the shut down at Ely the industrial insurance commission has been advised to keep tab on applications for continuance of compensation by men who have been injured during the period of activity. It has been noted by the commission that during periods of intense activity that men are anxious to return to wage earning, while slack times are prone to enlarge the period of disability.
145 years ago
Worse than no work. The way in which our City Trustees propose to repair that portion of the Warm Springs road within the city limits will not meet the expectations of the public. All the contract calls for is the hauling of dirt form the sides of the road to the middle of it. This will simply make a dirt pile for teams to pull through.
130 years ago
The public schools of this city will close on the last day of this month and will not be reopened until Sept. 1, owning to scarcity of coin to pay the current expense with.
120 years ago
Chinese placer miners have undermined the wagon road at the mouth of the canyon, and for the past month District Attorney Pune has been quietly at work to get the matter in such shape as to be able to sue the guilty party for damages.— Enterprise.
110 years ago
There was a large transfer of territory in this valley during the day. Since yesterday the wind has been blowing a gale and this afternoon it resembled a small tornado. The shifting of soil from Ormsby to Lyon and Washoe Counties gave us a claim on both sections of Nevada.
100 years ago
In spite of weather conditions nearly two score of Carsonites made the trip up Kings canyon yesterday and put in the day on the snow drifts. While snow storms and a heavy wind interrupted work to some extent the picnic in the snow belt resulted in a lot of good work on the highway.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.