The undersigned will
sell at Public sale by
competitive bidding
on Thursday the 29th
day of July, 2021
at 10:00 AM, with
bidding to take place
the following liened
property. iStorage,
1179 Fairview Drive
Suite 103, Carson City,
NV, 89701 Carson
City County Toscano,
Marsha L B011 16’
Travel Trailer. Cardwell,
Summer D. 366
Window Air Conditioner,
Glass Top Coffee
Table, Baby Crib, Misc
Boxes, Vacuum, Igloo.
Henderson, Scott 1159
Childs Quad, Misc
Boxes, Fishing Poles,
Electric Dryer, Baby
Crib, Suit Case. Larson,
Barbara 312 Tool
Chest Misc Boxes,
Suit Case, Step Ladder,
Chairs Shelving.
Bassett, Tom / Nancy
696 Mirror, Bicycle
Frame, VHS/DVD
Player, Misc Boxes,
Bed Frame, Stereo
Speakers, Skis, Tires,
Guitar, Small Amp,
Radio. Bassett, Tom /
Nancy 649 Golf Clubs,
Skis, Records, Printer,
Microphone Stand, TV
Tray Purchases must
be paid for at the time
of sales in cash only.
All purchased items
are sold as is.
Pub: July 14, 21,
2021. Ad#14992