Letters to the editor for March 17, 2021

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

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What happened to the oath of office?
The Nevada Appeal’s most prolific letter writer is at it again. In his latest “There’s No Civil War,” he attacks Guy Farmer because Farmer writes columns pointing out various points of view. The letter writer would have us believe that his “is the only point of view” that counts and anyone who thinks differently is wrong.
He goes on to point out all the things he says Trumps did right, but what about ignoring the COVID-19 crisis, eschewing mask wearing whereby thousands of needless deaths might have been prevented with just some responsible leadership. Does he really believe we have peace in the Middle East?
Trump managed to push through a tax package that gave windfalls to big business and wealthy individuals. Even though the stimulus package may not be perfect it gets to the heart of the matter by providing relief for the working class. We are now going back into the climate accord which will help save our planet and we are rebuilding trust with our allies, something that has been neglected the last four years.
As to cognitive challenged is the Nevada Appeal’s most prolific letter writer a doctor who has examined President Biden. This is a false rumor started during the election in an attempt to win votes.
What is really sad is the partisan politics that drives Congress. What happened to the oath of office and to serving one’s constituents, both Republican and Democrat?
Gary Nitzberg
Carson City

Reconnect with nature
As Bruce Berger verbally illustrates in his book, “The Telling Distance,” “The human mind is more tangled than any of the wilderness we are trying to save and has connections we are only beginning to make out. It may be that dreaming and wilderness travel are so invigorating because they form bridges to a past still within us, stranded in inaccessible parts of our being."
Everyone has a landscape of the heart — a terrain that corresponds to some inner spring. Visiting nature, if even in a video, is like a homecoming, a return to something lost. Whether it be watching a sunset, reading a book on nature, or hiking in our Sierra Nevada, all are crucial to our balance. Find time to reconnect. You'll be glad you did!
Ann Burke
Carson City

Why the ‘no’ vote from Amodei?
Thank you to Nevada's D.C. contingent for supporting the American Rescue Plan! Well, everyone except Mr. Amodei, that is.
Nevada has been among the hardest hit states due to our dependence on gaming and tourism. Over a billion in ARP funding will be distributed throughout Nevada communities in every urban, rural and frontier corner of our state.
According to Sen. Rosen's office, checks will be distributed to 1.4 million Nevada households; $165 million for emergency rental assistance; 40,000 Nevada children will be lifted out of poverty; 634,000 will benefit from the child tax credit and earned income tax credit expansion. Nevada K-12 will get $1 billion in funding to get children and teachers back into the classroom, with systemic upgrades for health and safety. 178,150 Nevada workers will receive extended, enhanced unemployment insurance.
But, according to Amodei, "90% of the bill contains political priorities that will hamstring recovery efforts or fail to move the ball forward, while just 9% of spending would actually go toward combating COVID. … This comes at a time when we should be focusing on getting the jobless back to work, students and teachers safely back to the classroom, and local economies back on the road to recovery."
Amodei has stumbled from the routine obfuscation we are used to getting to flat out deliberate disinformation, which may be all the rage on the right, but millions of Nevadans who will benefit from the ARP will remember this when he campaigns to represent us in the future.
Laura Hale
Carson City

Biden’s mental health is questionable
The beginning of the end of the United States as we know it.
The avalanche of illegals into this country by President Biden will have far reaching effects as stated in Guy Farmer’s column. How can we accommodate and support these people when we can’t help and control our homeless population and fail to provide real assistance to our veterans?
The American taxpayer has had their rights taken away by the Democrats who continue to use the pandemic as an excuse to control us. This coupled with the border crisis, unemployment, business and school closings is changing the way we live in the United States.
The current administration is all about control as evidenced by the enormous number of executive orders issued by Biden or those who control him. His mental health appears on the verge of collapse and we will be his beneficiaries.
Kenneth M. Bezich


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