Churchill County legal - 18847

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WATER NO. 91251


GIVEN, that on the

1st day of November

2021 Bench Creek

Ranch Co., LLC of

Fallon, Nevada made

application to the State

Engineer of Nevada for

permission to change

the place of use of

0.01 c.f.s., 7.84 a.f.a,

of water heretofore

appropriated under

Permit 87676. Water

will be diverted from an

underground source

(Westgate Well) at a

point located within

the SW1/4 SW1/4 of

Section 33, T17N,

R35E, MDB&M or at

a point from which the

SE corner of Section

34, T17N, R35E,

MDB&M bears S 82

degrees 38 minutes

0.57 seconds E, a

distance of 9,910.3 feet

(approx. 2 miles NW

of Middlegate, NV).

Water will be used for

stock water purposes

from January 1st to

December 31st of each


Adam Sullivan, P.E.

State Engineer

Pub: November 17,

24, December 1, 8,

2021. Ad#18847