Past Pages for December 21 to 23, 2022

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

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150 Years Ago

The Rev Mr. Allen’s little son, Jammie was in luck yesterday while playing with several other children about his own size, in the yard of the old stone schoolhouse, he picked up $20 pieces and three four-bit pieces. The little fellow was delighted with his good fortune and ran over with his playmates to display the treasure. When asked what he was going to do with it he replied: “I am going to try and find the owner first; but if nobody claims the money, I am going to buy a new pair of boots, a new hat and new pants and jacket with it and spend what is left for presents for my little brothers.” The little fellow was well taught and shows a noble heart.

140 Years Ago

Yesterday gave Carson the first snow of the season. Not enough to do any harm except to give the wood and coal dealers an excuse to chalk up rates a bit.

120 Years Ago

A miner named Nelson had a peculiar experience and a close call for his life in Leadville the other day. While going down a shaft in a bucket, a large nail sticking out in the shaft caught in his rubber coat, pulled him out of the bucket and held him suspended in the shaft, 500 feet from the bottom, until he was rescued.

80 Years Ago

The war production board last night ordered work halted on the U.S. Department of the Interior project at Pyramid Lake. One was the Nixon-Gerlach Road and the other a fish canal to revive Pyramid Lake trout.

40 Years Ago

Even if you couldn’t hear the music, you could see the movements and feel the Christmas sentiment as Seeliger Elementary School fourth grade students presented their holiday program – in sign language.

20 Years Ago

Capitol Police officers pooled their resources this year to buy 21 new bicycles for needy children in the Carson City area.


150 Years Ago

A bet - Col. Abe Curry spoke to us on Thursday and asked us to say that he would bet $20 it would rain by night fall on Monday the 23rd. The Col has lived here in the valley so long that he reads the signs of the weather like a book. If you think he is not weather wise put up the coin and wait till the appointed time!

140 Years Ago

For some years past Carson has worked hard to have a government signal station located in Carson. Mr. Friend has for several years furnished the state with meteorological observations free of cost and also forwarded reports to the government gratuitously.

120 Years Ago

Legislative suggestion. Nevada in need of a fish commissioner. It is but a few weeks and the Legislature is to meet in this city for the purpose of enacting laws for the good of the people and of no signs individual. Among the laws suggested is that of a fish commissioner. Every stream in the state has become either depleted or is low in stock on account of the doing away with the commissioner a few years ago.

80 Years Ago

The victory ship Key Pittman will be launched at the Richmond, Calif., yards of Kaiser Shipbuilding Corp., Dec. 24 and Nevada grammar and high school students who selected the name will be on hand for the christening along with governor E.P. Carville.

40 Years Ago

Prompt action is needed to prevent the collapse of the world economic system, and the international panel of economists warns.

20 Years Ago

Widespread destruction of electrical systems caused by Northern Nevada storms this week is “unprecedented” Sierra Pacific Power Co. officials said Wednesday.


150 Years Ago

Last Tuesday morning about 5 o’clock the hotel at Yank’s Station was discovered to be in flames. Major Ramsey who was living in a shed room at the northern end of the building was the first to be roused by the smell of smoke, the noise of flame, and the falling in of timbers. He hastily gathered up his clothes and fine shotgun, to which he fled to the road in front of the house. He had to leave his violin and fishing tackle to the flames.

140 Years Ago

Although the Insane Asylum at Reno is but yet an experiment, and the question of its being conveniently located yet undetermined one way or another, there is a strong undercurrent of feeling manifested against its remaining in its present locality.

120 Years Ago

From the Reno Journal: “Carson is climbing up the ladder right along, and when she has added a few more improvements will be a city indeed. The latest thing in the improvements line is the acquisition of two 40-foot ladders for the use of the two fire departments of that place.”

80 Years Ago

Howard Hans Peterson, a naval trainee stationed in Carson City for flight instruction by the Pathfinder Flying Service was killed instantly Saturday afternoon when the plane he was flying went into a spin and crashed a few hundred yards from the Buckeye ranch building near Minden. Peterson resided in Newman, Calif. It was the first accident for the service in the 12 years of flying operations.

40 Years Ago

Brenda Buttner, one of the elite groups of college students chosen as Rhodes Scholars this year, lists Carson City as her permanent address. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Muttner, who live in Reno but give Carson City as their permanent address.

20 Years Ago

Hearing-impaired students will benefit from a $1,700 donation to the Carson City School District presented Wednesday by the local Sertoma Club.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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