Past Pages for October 8 to 11, 2022

Students at Stewart Indian School Leaning sewing in about 1900.

Students at Stewart Indian School Leaning sewing in about 1900.

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150 Years Ago
Nevada Baseball Club. The following dispatch was received by Gus Lewis of the Sazarac saloon, dated Marysville, California, October 3, 1872, “We win by 58 to 20. Davis’ hand hurt.” Signed by Finney and Zimmerman.
140 Years Ago
Dagger writes from the Sandwich Islands that he will pray for the Republicans of Nevada, and Fair writes from Washington that he will give the Democrats his moral support. With these great powers in opposition the outlook for a red-hot contest this year is not to be mistaken.
120 Years Ago
Wednesday, the opening gun of the campaign will be fired in this city. Hon. H.F. Baritone and a number of the candidates of the Fusion ticket will address the people and voters on the issues of the day.
80 Years Ago
A letter received by Mr. and Mrs. P.L. Woodgate this week from their son, sergeant Melvin Woodgate was their first word in nine weeks. The letter was mailed at Cape Town, South Africa while Melvin was traveling on a Dutch ship.
40 Years Ago
Nevada, which has always been near the bottom of the class in the amount of state support for higher education now ranks dead last among the 50 states, according to a report by the National Institute of Education.
20 Years Ago
Three suspicious deaths in less than three months have left sheriff’s investigators in Nevada and California working longer hours and waiting patiently for answers.
150 Years Ago
Our new sign. The Cowing Brothers have painted a brand-new sign for the Appeal office and fastened it up on the ancient and ornate piece of architecture which serves as a portico, water shed and porch in front of and over our door. It, the sign, is a good, neat, and serviceable one; and when the Cowing’s have painted our other two signs, we will let an admiring world know that we have a local habitation and a name.
140 Years Ago
Lasting affection. There is a man in this city who, after having been divorced from his wife for nearly twenty years, will leave here in a day or two for California to remarry the partner of his early manhood. He has seen neither his wife nor children in all that time. Three daughters who were mere children when he last saw them are now married and have children of their own.
120 Years Ago
An old Chinese person who has been at Hebbard’s place on the river died the day before yesterday. Mr. Hubbard arose in the morning and prepared breakfast and went to call the Chinese person only to find that he had died during the night. The Carson City Celestials profess to know nothing about him save that he was very old.
80 Years Ago
The shooting of pheasants and quail by licensed hunters will be legal at 7:12 o’clock in the morning Oct. 12, but not earlier. Only two days of pheasant shooting will be permitted.
40 Years Ago
Markleeville. Federal officials say the rags-to-riches story of tiny, underpopulated Alpine County in the Sierras turns out to be a Census Bureau yarn. A check of the figures showed a mistake had boosted the county of about 1,100 and 20 percent unemployment to the third wealthiest in the nation.
20 Years Ago
The names of four firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty will be added to the Nevada Firefighter’s Memorial at Mills Park on Saturday.
150 Years Ago
Spiritual lecture. We call attention to the advertisement of Mrs. Fannie T. Young, the late of Boston, who will lecture at the theater on Saturday evening next. She comes as a lady of much literary culture, and one who stands high as a trance medium. Those who are curious to see and hear spirits speak through a human agent should not fail to go and see her.
140 Years Ago
Wake up! The comet is now a magnificent spectacle between 4 and 5 in the morning and well worth the crawling out of a warm bed to see. At 4 o’clock the nucleus is below the horizon, but a broad shaft of light starts upward from the horizon like a pillar of gold. It might be a good idea for the city authorities to allow the fire bell to be rung at 4 o’clock from the engine house for two minutes and if a fire broke out at the same time to repeat the ringing.
120 Years Ago
The Beatty brothers gave their moving picture show in this city last evening to a big audience at the Opera House. It was all that was advertised and the thousands of moving pictures that the audience had a chance to view, met with their approval. The show is the best of its kind that ever came to this city, and should the same be reproduced, it is safe to say that the Opera House would be crowded.
80 Years Ago
Restrictions on the rationing of bicycles are tightening, according to the office of price administration. The need for a bicycle must be shown from four days each week instead of three as with current law. A license will be given under the following conditions: 1) He must travel quickly or often to deliver merchandise or messages or in doing other necessary work; 2) He has to walk a total of at least three miles going to or returning from work; 3) He has to spend at least one and a half hours, including walking and waiting time, in getting to and from his work; 4) A bicycle is clearly needed because of other circumstances.
40 Years Ago
Manny Beals will face the Douglas County Commission again on Oct. 21 in the continuing battle over the liquor license of Beals’ Cave Rock Manny's establishment at Lake Tahoe.
20 Years Ago
After a two-week layoff and the loss of linebacker and team leader Dominic Camilla the Carson Junior Pee Wee Blue Pop Warner football team defeated the Sparks Wolfpack 25-20 at home, improving its record to 4-0.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.