Carson City supervisors to open bids for Northgate property

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The Carson City Board of Supervisors will open sealed bids city property at 2621 Northgate Lane.
In April, the board decided only nonprofits may submit bids, and minimum price is $385,000. If at any point the nonprofit that owns the property no longer uses it for charitable purposes, ownership would automatically revert to the city.
Currently, Ron Wood Family Resource Center, Capital City C.I.R.C.L.E.S., Nevada Rural Counties RSVP, and UNR Cooperative Extension are all tenants at the location.
During April, Joyce Buckingham with Ron Wood expressed concerns about several of the conditions in the resolution. As a party interested in bidding on the property, her main worry is that she won’t find a willing lender with the condition that the city would reclaim ownership of the property if the tenants changed its purpose to non-charitable work.
“If there is any reversion back to the city, unfortunately, it looks like lending will be out of the question,” she said during the meeting
In response Mayor Lori Bagwell emphasized that because the property currently belongs to the public, that condition is mandated by law.
“I want to make it clear; this is the public’s property,” she said at the April meeting. “The law is put out there to govern what can and cannot be transferred.”
The property is a 15,841 square foot office building.
The board reserves the right to reject any bid, or all bids, if it determines doing so is in the best interests of Carson City. If the board determines it has received one or more acceptable bids, it may adopt a resolution recognizing the highest bidder, and if applicable, the second highest bidder. The board may also order disposal of the property through alternative means.
The board also will discuss the second phase of engineering, design and construction support services, plus additional services related to undergrounding overhead utilities for the East William Complete Streets Project between Carson Street and Interstate 580. The contract may be amended with Nichols Consulting Engineers for an additional $1,930,458, resulting in a total not to exceed amount of $2,320,700.50,
Among items the board will hear:
• The board will have to re-canvass the vote after the recount that was asked for governor candidate Joey Gilbert.
• The board will hear the biannual report on Carson City jail conditions
• The board will hear about revisions to the 911 Surcharge Master Plan for FY 2023-27
• Appoint three members to the Carson City Culture and Tourism Authority, for two-year terms.
• Appoint a member to the Library Board of Trustees, for a four-year term.
• Discuss repair of two tennis courts at Ross Gold Park and how to allocate funds for the project.
The board will convene as the Redevelopment Authority and allocate $50,000 from the 2023 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various arts and culture events and projects.
To provide public comment in advance of the meeting, email by 3 p.m. Wednesday.
The meeting will air live on cable channel 191 and via the “In Progress” link at
The board will gather in the Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room of the Community Center, 851 E. William St., at 8:30 a.m. Thursday.


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