This 1888 photo by C.E. Peterson catches a Carson River wood drive as it carries food and bedding for the crew. The men are working near Empire after having started the drive some 50 miles upstream in Alpine County.
150 Years Ago
We were not present in person to see Santa Claus descend among the Orphans on Christmas Eve. There was a worthy spirit among the children on that occasion, however, whom the little ones of the home run to meet and about whose hands and coat tails they linger caressing though he were their own natural parent.
140 Years Ago
The continued fine weather is a bonanza to the Indians who soak in the sun and drowse in a veritable Indian summer. The great spirit seems to be on their side.
120 Years Ago
Has a possum. The Emporium has added a possum to the zoo, the same coming from the supply recently imported by Governor Sparks. The proprietor of the Emporium put in yesterday endeavoring to tame the little animal. It is quite an addition to the collection.
60 Years Ago
Food handlers in Carson City may have to receive mandatory x-ray examinations in the near future. “We expect to find other ailments, as well as tuberculosis, which should receive medical attention,” said the district health officer.
40 Years Ago
Unsafe conditions in two buildings at Bordewich School have been discovered, and they will be closed for the time being, a superintendent of schools said today.
150 Years Ago
Advertisement: Alexander Leport, Choice Family Groceries, Carson Street, between King and Second Streets, Carson (The Leport Home still stands in Carson City). Dealer in produce and groceries… Carson Market, fine family flour, macaroni, English and American cheeses…”
140 Years Ago
In brief: Born in this city, Dec. 23, to the wife of E.H. Colver, a daughter.
The continued fine weather is a bonanza to the Indians who soak in the sun and drowse in a veritable Indian summer. The great spirit seems to be on their side.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: The Orphans had a great time at their Christmas tree.
Carson enjoyed splendid Christmas weather.
110 Years Ago
War picture at The Grand: An absorbing dramatic story leads up to the eye of the conflict. Stonewall Jackson was dead, and Grant was besieging Vicksburg. In desperation, Lee marshaled his forces and made a dash to the south with 59,000 men with him at Gettysburg on July 1-3, 1863. There’s a bitter struggle with booming cannons, bursting shells, cavalry and infantry… 50 and 25 cents.
100 Years Ago
Fire: Two fire alarms were sounded this morning. The first at 6 o’clock was caused by the smoldering embers at the V&T. The second was the Homestead Tunnel that suddenly burst into flames on the Gold Hill end. Before the blaze was extinguished, four sets of new timbers were partially burned.
70 Years Ago
All sorts: Miss Barbara Kramer spent the Christmas weekend in Fernley visiting friends.
150 Years Ago
Excelsior flume: This flume is at present the scene of active operation. It is owned by General Marlette and Senator Hobart from Storey County. Fifty men are at work chopping, sliding and hauling wood and an average of 200 cords are being discharged at the foot of the flume daily. They are at Mill Station – one and a half miles from the flume – about 800,000 feet of mining lumber ready for shipment to Virginia (City).
140 Years Ago
Sensible crazy quilt: Residents of Carson will recollect Mrs. Harland who used to be employed in the Mint. She became afflicted with cancer. A few weeks ago, some benevolent ladies went to get pieces of silk, etc. for a bed quilt and the crazy quilt rage continues with 200 ladies agreeing to give a square of silk each. They all tried to outdo each other and some of the squares were painted beautifully. They decided to raffle off the quilt and made $250. The money was sent to Mrs. Harland in San Francisco.
130 Years Ago
Iron boned fish: Mountain Meadows in Plumas County is a small lake or pond. Three years ago, two residents of that section placed some trout in this lake where they remained until a few weeks ago. Surveyor A.W. Keddie was engaged to survey some rich copper mines near Mountain Meadows and while so engaged visited this lake and caught trout. They were struck by the stiff and rigid appearance of the fish and on cooking some for supper found that the iron in the water had affected the bone of the fish, making them as firm and hard as iron. The flesh on the bones was dark red but was of excellent flavor. (Oroville Register)
110 Years Ago
Death of Pioneer: Louis Stern age 87, resident of Hiko for more than 40 years died at the Soldiers’ home at Sawtelle, Calif. He was the first Justice of the Peace in White Pine County and presided at the only murder trial held in justice’s court. The prisoner was found guilty and was hanged the same afternoon.
100 Years Ago
Luminous tree: Near Tuscarora grows a tree which the Indians call the “witch tree,” because it sends out a phosphorescent light which is so great that it can be seen a mile away in a dark night. A person standing near it can see to read by the light. Its luminous property is caused by a gummy substance which covers its branches, thought to be a parasitic growth and can be rubbed off with the hand. The Indians will never approach the tree even in the daytime.
70 Years Ago
Wins baby prize: A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bachstein of Gardnerville on New Year’s Day. He and his parents won the first 1954 baby contest sponsored by local merchants and will receive many gifts.
150 Years Ago
Girls coming: In response to an order sent to Germany, four girls have been persuaded to come over to this wild part of America. August Jesse, who sent for the girls, has arranged a new dance house in the rear of Rosenstock’s establishment. August Jesse is going to raise the tone of dance houses in Carson. The coming dancers have arrived in America, left for New York Dec. 27 and on the emigrant train for Carson.
140 Years Ago
In brief: The measles have struck the Orphan’s Home.
Last Saturday the Bishop Creek stage was stopped by footpads and the treasure box robbed of $687.50. None of the passengers were molested.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: The Appeal receives letter from parties anxious to learn the name of the man who discovered malleable glass in the Pinenut mining district.
110 Years Ago
Snow: Snow seven feet and a half deep on the level is the report made to the local office of the weather bureau indirectly from summit.
100 Years Ago
All sorts: Frank Fell, who is engaged in driving a team between this city and the Comstock, was thrown from his wagon and badly injured.
A fire in the Golden building at Virginia City ruined the photograph gallery.
70 Years Ago
Classified ads: Help wanted, woman for general office work. Five-day week. $40. For rent, furnished cabin, adults only. No pets, 114 Long St.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.