150 Years Ago
Gold Hill News, advertisement: “Sound sleep is a blessing no one attempts to deny, it relieves the sorrow laden mind, rests the weary boy, refreshes the soul and gives renewed life and energy with which to meet and confront the stern diversities of life. A. Cornwell, 39 N. O Street, Virginia City.”
140 Years Ago
All sorts: Miss Laura Dainty, the famous elocutionist, will lecture here under the auspices of our local lecture bureau.
The Appeal is authorized to state that ladies who desire to see the practice of the Nevada rifle team will be made welcome attend.
130 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Taber, the leading photographer of the Pacific Coast, has removed to 121 Post Street. Iridium photographs. Our new specialty; the latest achievement in art. Photographs – in colors, only $8 a dozen… Life size crayon, $25 each.”
110 Years Ago
Advertisement: “The Emporium—Thousands of handsome view cards of Lake Tahoe and Carson— 1 cent each. Photo pennants, something new, in all colors—50 cents. Beautiful Indian baskets—from 25 cents to $5,000 each. The Emporium, Carson.”
70 Years Ago
Fortune teller: Helen (Madame) Walker, pleaded guilty to a charge of fortune telling. She insisted that she was born with the gift. Judge Roger Pfaff invited her to gaze into his eyes and guess her sentence. Madam was stumped. The judge said $50 or 10 days in jail – suspended (the judge enlightened her).
30 Years Ago
Jethro’s plan for Carson: Max Baer Jr. has proposed to build his Beverly Hillbillies hotel-casino on the old Walmart site at the south end of Carson.
150 Years Ago
Five-year old orator: Master Ellie Brown, the five-year old orator, will be here and exhibit his surprising powers. He is described as possessing talents that are exhibited by few adults and having a memory and understanding of the subjects, he declaims prodigious to contemplate.
140 Years Ago
Female guest at the Ormsby: A strange and respectable female guest of the Ormsby mounted the bootblack stand in front of the hotel and had her shoes polished “like a real man.” She kept up a cheerful flow of conversation with the art. She never dreamed that she was causing much merriment along the street.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: It was snowing in Virginia (City) when the passenger train left.
Vestal virgins who can kick a tambourine held 8 feet in the air are in great demand at the Circus Maximus in Sacramento.
110 Years Ago
Auto bandits: Joe Silva, Frank Pardi and James Krutoski passed through town in a stolen auto and gave officers a lively time. They were discovered at the Ambrosetti ranch. As soon as the boys appeared, the sheriff with two deputies and a couple of state police arrested them and put them in jail. They were given a good supper and put to bed. When searched, 10 cents and a few marbles were found.
70 Years Ago
Photo caption: Aiding in the nationwide gamma globulin program is Ormsby County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Here Charles Marriage, county treasurer, hands a check for $1,000 to chairman Audrey E. Bell to be forwarded to NFIP, headquarters. Rosemary Johnson of Stewart, polio victim who has been helped by the foundation, looks on.
30 Years Ago
Jack’s Bar: Financial help, expertise and advice were offered to the owners of the historic tavern at the Historic Resources Commission. A public uproar began as the owners showed an interest in demolishing the building. Lehr, the owner, said he would consider bracing the unsafe structure until the Ormsby House reopened “next year” to decide what to do with the building.
150 Years Ago
King Street water course: On the south side of King Street above Minnesota water has worn a deep gully into the epidermis of the earth and caused a quite deep and hugely ugly ditch. Mr. Sweeney, our Celtic fellow citizen, has urged county authorities from time to time about this issue. An extension of the flume will be made which passes across the street near the site of the old Wagner and Kline Brewery. This will fill up the big slough on the corner this side of the Catholic church and improve the building lot that Sweeney owns.
140 Years Ago
All sorts: The children of the Orphans’ Home had a jolly picnic at Thorne’s Grove. The crowd filled several of Benton’s coaches.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: Judges Morrow and McKenna have decided that the deportation of Chinese must go on until it is shown that there is no money for the purpose.
The street preacher preached his last sermon. He has made a great many friends in Carson by his earnestness and eloquence. He predicts the end of the world in 7 years.
110 Years Ago
High-class Vaudeville: Tonight, that great novelty act as staged by “Howard and Graf” is at the Grand. Also showing is “A Fighting Chance” (a picture that stands out by its prettiness), “Back to the Primitive” (a powerful and picturesque Indian romance, laughable farce taken in Ragtime Land) and “The Cure” (a clever well worked out comedy and very amusing).
70 Years Ago
Carson school enrollment up: The Carson school enrollment has climbed to 938 compared to 898 at the end of the first month of school a year ago. There are 228 in high school with 40 seniors and 53 juniors.
30 Years Ago
Continuing drought: Carson City is considering purchasing water from Lost Lake in Alpine on a one-year lease to carry residents through the winter months. The four-year drought has prompted Governor Kenny Guinn to ask the Department of Agriculture to declare the state eligible for disaster status in all 17 counties.
150 Years Ago
Born in Carson City on Sept. 11, 1873, to the wife of Jacob Klein, a daughter.
140 Years Ago
Lessons in drawing: Miss Mell Wright—a lady who might be more easily located as Miss DeQuille of Virginia City, has opened a drawing class in this city. She is offering drawing classes in the building next to Trenmor Coffin’s office. She is well qualified to teach drawing and painting having taken lessons under the best artists in San Francisco.
130 Years Ago
Thrown from horse: Andrew, the 10-year-old son of J.F. Short in Ruby Valley, was thrown from his horse and injured. A coyote suddenly jumped in front of the horse frightening it causing it to run and kick. As a result, the boy’s skull was broken.
110 Years Ago
Native sons celebrate: One of the largest celebrations of Admission Day in the history of California is taking place. One of the chief features of the observation is a twenty-round bout between Ad Wolgast and Johnny Dundee.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Sky-view Drive-In Theatre, admission 65 cents, children under 12 free. Snack bar. ‘The Redhead from Wyoming’ with Maureen O’Hara and Alex Nicol, plus Ben Hecht’s ‘Actors and Sin,’ cartoon and news.”
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: Fabulous new homes in Dayton. Single family homes, fully landscaped front yards, forced air gas heating, smoke detectors, fully landscaped yards, energy efficient windows and gourmet kitchen with oak cabinets – Gold Canyon Estates, from the $140s, 520 Dayton Estates, Dayton.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.