Pursuant to the Carson City Charter, section 2.110, pertaining to the publication of an
ordinance adopted by the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the following ordinance was proposed at the regular meeting of the Carson City Board of Supervisors held on November 21, 2024, voted upon, and adopted at the regular meeting held on December 5, 2024 and ordered by said Board of Supervisors to be published by title:
Ordinance No. 2024-9
Bill No. 109
An ordinance relating to industrial wastewater discharges and sewer design standards;
revising definitions relating to industrial
wastewater discharges and sewer design standards; revising various provisions relating to the scope, requirements, terms and procedures for discharge permit applications and discharge permits; revising various provisions relating to rights and procedures for review of
administrative decisions; revising various
provisions relating to regulatory and
enforcement authority over industrial
wastewater discharges in Carson City;
establishing a public notice requirement
concerning users in significant
noncompliance; revising provisions relating to secondary containment; establishing pretreatment standards for categorical industrial users; revising provisions relating to local discharge limitations; establishing requirements relating to accidental discharges, spills and slug discharge plans; making various clerical and conforming changes for organization, formatting and style; and providing other matters properly related thereto.
The names of the Supervisors voting for
passage of the foregoing ordinance at the
December 5, 2024, meeting are: Supervisor Stacey Giomi, Supervisor Maurice White,
Supervisor Curtis Horton, Supervisor Lisa Schuette, Mayor Lori Bagwell
The names of the Supervisors voting against passage of the foregoing ordinance are: None
Those abstaining: None; those absent: None
Date December 5, 2024
William Scott Hoen, Carson City Clerk
By: H. Mills, Chief Deputy (seal)
Pub Date: December 11, 2024
Ad # 48250