The best overall winner in the Nevada Day beard contest Saturday at McFadden Plaza was Matt Wagner, who continued to defend his title in fullest beard as well. His daughter shared in his victory
Most bearded community
Washoe County: 11
Storey County: 3
Lyon County: 7
Douglas County: 3
Carson City: 29
All others (Mineral County): 1
Longest beard
First place: Jimmy Johnson, 26 inches
Second place: Scott Perry, 25 inches
Third place: Boyd Lester, 23 inches
Blackest beard
First place: Dan Hague
Second place: Nick Chaparro
Third place: Joe Yazbeck
Whitest beard
First place: Tom Simmonds
Second place: Robert Beeler
Third place: Kevin McDermott
Reddest beard
First place: Lex Garraway
Second place: Jackson Uselman
Third place: Shawn Smee
Blondest beard
First place: Tristan Hein
Second place: Cody Tucker
Third place: Kevin Liston
Best salt and pepper beard
First place: Brian Burris
Second place: Jeremy Litka
Third place: Anthony Ramos
Jessica Garcia/Nevada Appeal
First-place winners Dan Hague, far left, Matt Wagner, Brian Burris, Mi’Chal Giancontieri and Tristan Hein were narrowed down for the overall winner according to the audience’s vote with Wagner taking the ultimate prize.
Scruffiest beard
First place: Michael Giancontieri
Second place: Patrick Justice
Third place: David Clemensen
Best groomed beard
First place: Brian Burris
Second place: Brant McDaniel
Third place: Kris Kaltenbacher
Fullest beard
First place: Matt Wagner
Second place: Anthony Borrero
Third place: Kevin Liston
Best overall winner
Matt Wagner
Jessica Garcia/Nevada Appeal
Reddest beard winners were, from far left, Jackson Uselman, Lex Garraway, first place, and Shawn Smee, third place.
Some take a few weeks or months to grow and trim their whiskers and some take the year in careful preparation to groom themselves for the best beard on Nevada Day.
Matt Wagner of Carson City, who works for the state, defended his title again as best overall winner and in the fullest beard category.
“I feel great,” he said.
Wagner said he continues to be groomed by Jeremy at the East 50 Barbershop, he said.
“I do it for the fun, get out and see everybody,” he said.
Carson City’s Cipriani’s Downtown Barber Shop and Paradise Salon-Spa-Wellness sponsored the event.
The contest’s traditional categories were still in place, with judges bringing in entries for longest beard, blackest beard, whitest beard, reddest beard, blondest beard, best salt and pepper beard, scruffiest beard, best groomed beard, fullest beard and the overall winner. Reddest and salt and pepper were among the larger groupings for men to jump on the stage for when master of ceremonies Perry Nixdorf, owner of Paradise, made the call.
The crowd continues to grow and draw support from Northern Nevada’s local counties as they celebrate Nevada Day.
Richard Lopiccolo of Minden gave the stage his shot as an entrant but didn’t make the cut. He said it was great fun.
“I haven’t won yet … this is great small-town stuff,” he said.
Jessica Garcia/Nevada Appeal
Fullest beard contest winners, from far right, Anthony Borrero, second place, Kevin Liston, third place, and Matt Wagner, first place, enjoy their moment of victory on the stage.
The contest not only rallies the men but draws in the ladies, who find the judging a good time for their special someone.
Bailey Liston, a former Nevada Appeal employee, said her husband Kevin Liston has enjoyed the contest but has yet to take a first-place prize. Kevin managed to nab two third-place plaques for blondest and fullest beard.
Nixdorf, owner of Paradise Salon and co-sponsor of the event, said the event has been going on for about 60 years and he has been involved for nine years. The goal is to bring in different judges each year with a mix of generations to make sure the contest remains impartial and there are no preferences with entrants.
“I think it’s just a good time,” he said. “I think everybody enjoys hamming it up on stage and showing off their beards, right? So it’s good stuff.
Judges included Cipriani’s Nick Fontanez, Taylor Lynch and Brian Halverson.
Jessica Garcia/Nevada Appeal
Contest co-sponsors Starr and Perry Nixdorf of Paradise Salon-Spa-Wellness, far left, and co-sponsor Nick Fontanez of Cipriani’s Downtown Barbershop, and judges Taylor Lynch and Brian Halverson gather for a photo after the contest Saturday.