120 Years Ago
The following are the rolls of honor for H. H. Howe's class: Annie Olcovich, Carrie Belnap; Miss Martin's class Herbert Yerington, Eddie Rinckel, Horace Mede; Miss Wagner's class Dolly Dority, Lillie Stern, Grace Atherton.
100 Years Ago
President Roosevelt sent a message to Congress regarding special legislation for the stamping out of anarchy in the United States. "The recent actions of the anarchists element in this country have caused a feeling of unrest and fear in many parts and the action of the President is the first step in the right direction."
70 Years Ago
Miss Claire Kirman weds Wallace Taber at the Governor's Mansion. Miss Clair Kirman became the bride of Mr. Wallace Taber, son of Supreme Court Justice and Mrs. E. J. L. Taber. Governor Kirman gave his daughter in marriage and the impressive ceremony joining the pair in wedlock was performed by the Rev. J. L. Harvey, pastor of the Carson City Federated Church.
50 Years Ago
Thirty 4-H club members from Sunny Acres home will attend the 4-H show in Reno. A picnic day and fat lamb sale is tentatively scheduled for the last week in May at the children's home, according to Jay Oxborrow, director. The picnic would be for the public. Tentative plans call for an open house and tours.
20 Years Ago
President Reagan made a 90-minute visit for his eighth trip to Nevada. The president was greeted at the airport by Nevada Attorney General Brian McKay, Las Vegas Mayor Ron Lurie and state Senators Ann O'Connell, Raw Rawson and Bill Raggio.
10 Years Ago
In an effort to expand services to South Lake Tahoe, Carson-Tahoe Hospital is looking into purchasing a medical clinic at Stateline. Jo Saulisberry, Hospital trustee chairwoman said the hospital is looking into the possibility of purchasing the Zephyr Medical Center.
• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.