130 years ago
Albert Weirz, the orphan boy, was returned yesterday from jail to the asylum, where he promises to remain under lock and key. In compliance with his wish a jail has been improvised for him. Doctors will visit him from day to day until his peculiarity can be satisfactorily diagnosed.
110 years ago
The trial of the train robbers, Shaw and Bowie, progresses slowly. This morning Philip Wickland, who was on the stand yesterday when court adjourned returned his testimony. His cross examination, which took up much of the forenoon session, resulted in little being brought out.
70 years ago
In a surprise marriage Furhman "Buster" Goni took as his bride Miss Eyelene Marcelle Gregg of Woodland, Ca., at the home of Justice of the Peace J. H. Stern. The bride wore a powder navy blue suit, with white corsage and accessories in white.
50 years ago
(Photo caption) Toastmasters will hold their district conference in Fallon next week. Pictured is Alex Coon, Roger Joseph, Artie Valentine, and Martin "Bromo" Seltzer. Leon Cowan, member of Kit Carson toastmasters, will represent Area 4 in the speech contest.
20 Years Ago
Micheal Pennington is elected student body president by Carson High School sophomores and juniors.
10 Years Ago
Senators Ray Shaffer, Mike Schneider and Assembly Speaker Joe Dini top the list of lawmakers that had some $13,000 spent by lobbyists during the first two months of the 1999 session.
- Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.