130 years ago
"Sage Brush Leaves." The Governor is in receipt of the most encouraging news from many different portions of the State, in regard to the sale of Mr. Mighels' book. From all appearances the demand for the book will be such as to afford a handsome profit upon its publication. The Committee is desirous of affording every one of Harry's friends an opportunity to testify their remembrance and friendship in a mode at once delicate and generous.
100 years ago
One of the most important trials yet held in federal court here to the great importance to the people of Nevada is that of the W. T. Jenkins Co., on a charge of fencing public land illegally in the eastern part of the state. It has been a custom for years for the big land and cattle companies to run a fence around all the land they desired for their uses and trust the possession for the free enjoyment of this land. There are thousands of acres in Elko and Humboldt that have been taken in this manner
70 years ago
Nobody seems to know definitely what caused the brush fire in the vicinity of the orphan's home grounds, but it is generally believed that the small-boys-and-matches combination was responsible. The blaze blackened a strip about a half-mile in length and burned the nesting place and habitat of a large number of pheasants. The damage was not of the dollars-and-sense kind, but undoubtedly pheasant hunting around Carson will be poorer next year.
50 years ago
Mrs. Lawrence Means (the former Tosca Masini and one-time "Miss Nevada") became the mother of her second child, an eight-pound, eight-ounce girl. Father Larry Means was formerly deputy insurance commissioner here.
20 years ago
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis united in a poignant reunion in Las Vegas Wednesday night. "Here's to 72 years of joy you've given the world and why we never broke up, I'll never know," Lewis told Martin as he presented him with a birthday cake.
10 years ago
Doris DiGiancinto is named Dayton Center Senior of the Week for organizing the white elephant sale.
• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.